To install a Salesforce Sandbox organisation, please use this URL:
Info |
Sandbox package URLhttps://forms.payrix.com.au//paymentsapptest |
Once successfully installed, the package will display in “Installed Packages”.
Authorise Salesforce Account
You will need to sync the Salesforce organisation to the Payrix account, to do so follow the below steps:
Login to Payrix Portal
Select ‘Salesforce’ in the top menu bar.
Select the correct radio button, ‘Sandbox’.
Login via Salesforce ensuring the correct domain is entered and authorisation should be complete.
You can find the correct domain by going into your Salesforce Setup Settings:
Login to Salesforce
Click on the Cogs button on the top right and select ‘Setup’.
In the search field on the left under ‘Setup’, enter ‘My Domain’.
From ‘Current My Domain URL’, select the section before ‘.my.salesforce.com’ and that is the correct domain to use.
To install a Salesforce Production organisation, please use this URL:
Info |
Once successfully installed, the package will display in “Installed Packages”.
Authorise Salesforce Account
You will need to sync the Salesforce organisation to the Payrix account, to do so follow the below steps:
Login to Payrix Portal
Select ‘Salesforce’ in the top menu bar.
Select the correct radio button, ‘Production’ or ‘Sandbox’.
Login via Salesforce ensuring the correct domain is entered and authorisation should be complete.
You can find the correct domain by going into your Salesforce Setup Settings:
Login to Salesforce
Click on the Cogs button on the top right and select ‘Setup’.
In the search field on the left under ‘Setup’, enter ‘My Domain’.
From ‘Current My Domain URL’, select the section before ‘.my.salesforce.com’ and that is the correct domain to use.
Info |
Please note this object is only populated and updated by Salesforce. |
API Name | Type | Description |
SourceType__c | text (255) | The type of source object for the invoice; eg. “BillingDocument” or “Invoice”. |
SourceId__c | text (18) | The object ID of the source object. |
InvoiceNumber__c | text (20) | The source document reference that is shown to the payer as the invoice number; e.g. “INV-001”. |
InvoiceType__c | picklist | “Single” for a one-off payment. “Recurring” if the payment will occur automatically on the due date when credit card or bank account details have been provided by the payer previously. |
IssueDate__c | date | The date the invoice was issued on. |
DueDate__c | date | The date payment for the invoice is due. |
Description__c | textarea (255) | The text shown to the payer to describe the purpose/content of the invoice. |
CurrencyCode__c | text (3) | The currency code for the amount due to be paid, as per standard Salesforce currency codes. |
AmountDue__c | number (16,2) | The amount due to be paid. |
PayerType__c | text (255) | The type of payer object for the invoice; eg. “Account” or “Contact”. |
PayerId__c | text (18) | The object ID of the payer object. |
PayerFamilyOrBusinessName__c | text (50) | The payer’s surname or business name; e.g. for “Jane A. Citizen” use “Citizen”. |
PayerGivenName__c | text (50) | The payer’s given name; e.g. for “Jane A. Citizen” use “Jane”. |
PayerEmail__c | text (255) | The payer’s email address. |
PayerPhone__c | text (50) | The payer’s preferred phone number for voice communications. |
PayerMobilePhone__c | text (50) | The payer’s mobile phone number for SMS communications. |
PayerBillingSteet__c | textarea (255) | The street details of the payer’s billing address. |
PayerBillingCity__c | text (50) | The city, suburb or town component of the payer’s billing address. |
PayerBillingState__c | text (50) | The state or territory component of the payer’s billing address. |
PayerBillingPostalCode__c | text (50) | The postal or ZIP code component of the payer’s billing address. |
PayerBillingCountry__c | text (50) | The country component of the payer’s billing address. |
PaymentUrl__c | formula | The URL of the Payrix Hosted Payment Service that accepts payment for the invoice. The value of this field is generated automatically. |
Info |
All fields other than PaymentUrl are required. PaymentUrl__c is generated automatically. This field is read-only. |
API Name: Payrix_PaymentEvent__c
All payments made through Payrix for the Biller will be inserted into the is table.
Multiple payments for an Invoice will be inserted separately.
API Name | Type | Description |
EventDateTime__c | datetime | The date and time of the payment event. |
EventType__c | picklist | “Pending” when automatic processing of a recurring invoice has started. “Rejected” when the payment was rejected (declined). “Success' when the payment was successful (approved). “Settled” when settlement for the payment has occured. |
SourceType__c | text (255) | The type of source object for the invoice; e.g. “BillingDocument” or “Invoice”. Blank for payments not arising from Payrix Payment Request objects. |
SourceId__c | text (100) | The object ID of the source object, for payments arising from Payrix Payment Request objects; otherwise the transaction reference. |
InvoiceNumber__c | text (20) | The source document reference that is shown to the payer as the invoice number; e.g. “INV-001”. Blank for payments not arising from Payrix Payment Request objects. |
RejectionCode__c | text (50) | The rejection code; not provided unless the value of “EventType__c” is “Rejected”. |
RejectionDescription__c | text(255) | The rejection description; not provided unless the value of “EventType__c” is “Rejected”. |
CurrencyCode__c | text (3) | The currency code for the amount paid, fees and charges, as per standard Salesforce currency codes. |
AmountPaid__c | number (16,2) | The total amount paid for the invoice. This may differ from the amount due because of surcharges or, for some |
SurchargeAmount__c | number (16,2) | The total amount of any surcharges paid by the payer for the invoice. |
FeeAmount__c | number (16,2) | The total amount of any fees that will be charged to the business the receives the payment for the invoice. |
PaymentMethodCode__c | text (20) | The payment method code. |
PaymentMethodName__c | text (80) | The name of the payment method used to pay the invoice; e.g. “Bank Account Debit”. |
MaskedAccountNumber__c | text (40) | The masked credit card, bank account or other account number used to pay the invoice; e.g. “444433xxxxxx1111”. |
SettlementId__c | lookup | The object ID for the settlement event that contains the payment for the invoice. |
TransactionReference__c | text (100) | The internal Payrix transaction reference, to allow reconciliation with non-Payrix services. |
TransactionTypeCode__c | text (20) | The transaction type code. |
TransactionTypeName__c | text (80) | The name of the transaction type; e.g. “Realtime Payment - Website”. |
Settlement Transactions
Payrix Settlement Event
API Name: Payrix_SettlementEvent__c
All money settled to client's account from Payrix.
This is the amount that will appear on a Bank Statement or Feed that can be automatically reconciled against Invoices.
API Name | Type | Description |
EventDateTime__c | datetime | The date and time of the settlement event. |
EventType__c | Picklist | “Settled” when settlement has occurred. |
CurrencyCode__c | text (3) | The currency code for the amount settled, as per standard Salesforce currency codes. |
AmountSettled__c | number (16,2) | The total amount settled to the business that receives the payments for invoices. |
SettlementReference__c | text (100) | The internal Payrix settlement reference, to allow reconciliation with non-Payrix services. |