API Name | Type | Description |
EventDateTime__c | datetime | The date and time of the payment event. |
EventType__c | picklist | “Pending” when automatic processing of a recurring invoice has started. “Rejected” when the payment was rejected (declined). “Success' when the payment was successful (approved). “Settled” when settlement for the payment has occured. |
SourceType__c | text (255) | The type of source object for the invoice; e.g. “BillingDocument” or “Invoice”. Blank for payments not arising from Payrix Payment Request objects. |
SourceId__c | text (100) | The object ID of the source object, for payments arising from Payrix Payment Request objects; otherwise the transaction reference. |
InvoiceNumber__c | text (20) | The source document reference that is shown to the payer as the invoice number; e.g. “INV-001”. Blank for payments not arising from Payrix Payment Request objects. |
RejectionCode__c | text (50) | The rejection code; not provided unless the value of “EventType__c” is “Rejected”. |
RejectionDescription__c | text(255) | The rejection description; not provided unless the value of “EventType__c” is “Rejected”. |
CurrencyCode__c | text (3) | The currency code for the amount paid, fees and charges, as per standard Salesforce currency codes. |
AmountPaid__c | number (16,2) | The total amount paid for the invoice. This may differ from the amount due because of surcharges or, for some |
SurchargeAmount__c | number (16,2) | The total amount of any surcharges paid by the payer for the invoice. |
FeeAmount__c | number (16,2) | The total amount of any fees that will be charged to the business the receives the payment for the invoice. |
PaymentMethodCode__c | text (20) | The payment method code. |
PaymentMethodName__c | text (80) | The name of the payment method used to pay the invoice; e.g. “Bank Account Debit”. |
MaskedAccountNumber__c | text (40) | The masked credit card, bank account or other account number used to pay the invoice; e.g. “444433xxxxxx1111”. |
SettlementId__c | lookup | The object ID for the settlement event that contains the payment for the invoice. |
TransactionReference__c | text (100) | The internal Payrix transaction reference, to allow reconciliation with non-Payrix services. |
TransactionTypeCode__c | text (20) | The transaction type code. |
TransactionTypeName__c | text (80) | The name of the transaction type; e.g. “Realtime Payment - Website”. |
ipayments__Customer_Description__c | Text (500) | Transaction Description. |
Settlement Transactions
Payrix Settlement Event
API Name | Type | Description |
EventDateTime__c | datetime | The date and time of the settlement event. |
EventType__c | Picklist | “Settled” when settlement has occurred. |
CurrencyCode__c | text (3) | The currency code for the amount settled, as per standard Salesforce currency codes. |
AmountSettled__c | number (16,2) | The total amount settled to the business that receives the payments for invoices. |
SettlementReference__c | text (100) | The internal Payrix settlement reference, to allow reconciliation with non-Payrix services. |
ipayments__Customer_Description__c | Text (500) | Transaction Description. |