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The Withdrawal Schedule Payout Schedules page contains editable information about a specific scheduled withdrawal from payout schedule on your account.

Navigate to the Withdrawal Schedule Payout Schedules page by following the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click on Withdrawals Payouts under Admin in the left-hand navigation panel.

  • Step 2: Find the specific Withdrawal Schedule in the Withdrawal Schedules table, and click on any information to open the Withdrawal Schedule page.


Note: To learn more about withdrawal schedules, see How to Schedule a Withdrawal in the Portal


  • In the Payouts Overview section displaying your Account Balance, Payout Schedules, and the Next Payout Details, click the View Schedules button in the Payout Schedules panel.


Payout Schedules Features

The date that the withdrawal schedule began
titleClick here to view the features of the Withdrawal Schedule Payout Schedules page.

Withdrawal Schedule Details

The Withdrawal Schedule Details section

Payout Schedules Table

The Payout Schedules table contains the following editable information about the withdrawalpayout:

ID ID number associated with the recurring withdrawal.The amount of the withdrawal

Withdrawal Schedule Details Field NamePayout Schedules Table Column Names





The date that the withdrawal schedule was created.

Bank Account ID

The ID number associated with the saved bank account.

Bank Account Name

The name of the bank account.

Login ID

The ID used by the merchant to log in to the portal.

Login Name

The name associated with the account.


The name associated with the account that the withdrawal occurs from.


The status of the withdrawal schedule: Active or Inactive.

Secondary Descriptor

A custom descriptor that appears on a disbursement. Note that a secondary descriptor will append to merchant payout for disbursements. If a secondary descriptor is set on the Merchant Entity, this setting will override what is sent on disbursements associated with this withdrawal.


custom name given for the payout schedule.


The ongoing schedule of the payout, displayed as One Time or “Every __ days/weeks/months/years”

Amount Type

The type of payout: Actual, Percentage, or Negative Percentage (charging the account instead of depositing).


The amount of the payout. Set a specific dollar amount for “Actual” Amount Type. Set a percentage for “Percentage”.


An optional amount set as the minimum balance maintained in the account when a scheduled payout occurs. This is especially helpful when using a 100% daily payout schedule, to avoid potential overages from fee assessments or returns for example.


The bank account that will receive the deposit from the payout schedule.

Schedule Payout Button

Opens the Schedule Payout lightbox allowing you to set or modify the exact parameters of the payout schedule.

Payout Schedules Table Actions

The Payout Schedules table supports the following actions: create a new payout schedule, modify an existing payout schedule, and delete a payout schedule.

To create a new payout schedule for your account, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click the Schedule Payout button in the upper right corner to open the Schdeule Payout lightbox.

  • Step 2: Enter all required settings, adding any desired optional information.

  • Step 3: Click the Schedule Payout button at the bottom of the lightbox to finish.

Result: The new payout schedule has been created and will be reflected on the Payout Schedules table and will begin to take effect on the set “Start” date.

To modify an existing payout schedule on your account, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click the ⋮ icon next to the payout schedule you wish to modify and click Edit to open the Schedule Payout lightbox.

  • Step 2: Make any necessary adjustments.

  • Step 3: Click the Schedule Payout button at the bottom of the lightbox to finish.

Result: The modified payout schedule has been saved successfully. Any high-level payout schedule changes will be reflected on the Payout Schedules table. Applicable changes to the payout schedule amount, frequency, or other parameters will occur with the next payout.

To delete a payout schedule on your account, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click the ⋮ icon next to the payout schedule you wish to modify and click Delete.

  • Step 2: Click the Delete button in the confirmation box to finish.

Result: The deleted payout schedule will be removed from the Payout Schedules table.

Schedule Payout Lightbox

The Schedule Payout lightbox is designed to allow users to quickly enter the information required to schedule a basic payout as well as advanced options to setup or modify the Payout Schedules

Schedule Payout Form Fields


How often would you like to withdraw?

The frequency of the scheduled payout, displayed as One Time or “Every __ days/weeks/months/years”

Bank account to deposit withdrawal.

The linked bank account that will receive the deposit from the payout schedule.


The amount of the payout.

Amount Type

The type of


payout: Actual, Percentage, or Negative Percentage.




currency that is used in the withdrawal transaction.

Schedule Factor

The frequency of the scheduled withdrawal.


The payment schedule for the withdrawal schedule.

Start Date

custom name given for the payout schedule.


The date that the payout schedule will begin.


The dollar amount that will be withheld from the payout.


The user (login) ID used to log in to the portal and associated with your Merchant account.


A custom description

of the withdrawal, entered by the referrer.


The billing entry associated with the withdrawal

given for the payout schedule.


Enter the

A minimum

dollar amount in the available balance in order for a payout to trigger. If the available balance is below this amount the withdrawal will not trigger until the balance returns to the minimum amount required. Note that overriding the Minimum

amount optionally set as a requirement for the Payout Schedule to be disbursed.


Warning: Overriding this setting may result in


an overdraft.


An optional

A maximum amount

of a withdrawal.


The dollar amount that will be withheld from the payout.

Withdrawal Schedule Details Actions

To edit the Withdrawal Schedule Details section, click the PENCIL icon in the upper right-hand corner of the of the page. Edit information related to the withdrawal, and then click the CHECK MARK icon to save your changes or click the X icon to discard changes

optionally set as a limit for how much may be disbursed in the Payout Schedule.


This is particularly helpful to help prevent overdrafts.

Related Pages

Click the links or items in on the Withdrawal Schedule Payout Schedules page to access any of the following pages: