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A refund or void can be submitted via the API using the /txns endpoint. You can look up additional information about the /txns endpoint in theAPI Reference.

Table of Contents


Submitting a refund or void a payment via the API

The process of submitting a card payment (sale) refund, an eCheck refund, or voiding an approved transaction is virtually the same. The only difference between these three options is the type value included in the request.


API transaction statuses:


How to Refund a Card Payment via the API

A partial or full refund/void is submitted in the API by sending a POST request to the /txns endpoint and including the Transaction ID of the payment that is being refunded/voided. By default, if no amount is set when submitting a refund/void via the API it will be a full refund for the entire amount of the original transaction (excluding any funds that have been previously partially refunded).


type - In the case of a card payment refund this field should be set with the value “5”.


How to Refund an eCheck Payment via the API

For eCheck refunds, the type field should be set to “8”. Additionally, you must submit the customer’s (whom you are sending the eCheck refund to) first name.

Code Block
	"fortxn": "t1_txn_5f6276c12269b0cc77adb44",
	"type": "5",
	"first": "John"
	"total": "100"
Image Modified

How to Void a Payment via the API

To void an approved (but not captured/settled) payment, the type should be set to “4”.

Code Block
	"fortxn": "t1_txn_5f1841b4b1200ea4d1af843",
	"type": "4"


How to cancel an approved payment via the API

As covered elsewhere, the fundamental difference between voiding and canceling a payment is that canceling a transaction simply removes the approved payment from the Merchant’s daily batch, but does not actually reverse the authorization (as voiding does).
