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Change Requests are vital to managing and updating your account information within the Payrix Portal. The term “Change Requests” refers to an entity adding or updating their bank account information. This entity is required to must submit relevant documentation to support the validity of its new bank account info.

As this process requires manual review from a Payrix or Facilitator-level risk analyst, it cannot be instantly approved, so submissions made to add or change a bank account have been compiled into a set of easy-to-use Portal pages for each level of user to keep track or take action on their bank account change requests.

Automation of “manual” review for approval is anticipated to be integrated in early 2024.

This guide will provide an overview of Change Requests, their importance, and how they impact different user levels.

For Referrers & Merchants

Referrers and Merchants often need to make changes to their bank account information. The Change Request process allows added or changed account information to be submitted with documentation to support the change during risk analysis.

Referrers & Merchants can:


Submit a Change Request.


This guide will provide an overview of Change Requests, their importance, and how they impact different user levels.

For Referrers & Merchants

Referrers and Merchants often need to make changes to their bank account information. The Change Request process allows added or changed account information to be submitted with documentation to support the change during risk analysis.

Referrers & Merchants can:


Note: Referrers can submit Change Requests on behalf of Merchants. This includes:

  1. Updating bank account information from the Banking tab of the Merchant’s Profile page.

  2. While logged in as the Merchant, update bank account information from the Banking tab of the Merchant’s Portal Account Profile.

  3. Submitting an API call to the /changeRequests endpoint associated with the Merchant’s Login ID.

For Facilitators

Facilitators play a crucial role in handling change requests. Since Facilitators take on the responsibility of managing and mitigating their own risk, the Change Request management process provides full visibility of changes happening to bank accounts within their portfolio, to prevent risk hazards, such as money laundering, due to unverified or unauthorized bank accounts being added without notification.


Front End User Interface for Facilitators & Referrers

We recommend that Facilitators and Referrers with whitelabeled Portals and custom sites take additional steps to map and configure their front-end user interface (UI) to maximize user (Merchant) transparency and minimize communication times. Read more about these specific tips below:

titleTipsRecommendation: Front-End User Interface API Integration for Change Requests

We recommend Facilitators that use the Change Requests workflow above with an API integration to incorporate the following into your front-end user interface development: Tip:

Display Change Request Messages

  • When you submit or receive a Change Request using our API, consider incorporating a user-friendly notification system on your front-end interface.

  • This system can display the important messages related to that user’s change, such as Change Request Creation, Approval, or Decline status update notifications. These messages help users understand the progress of their Change Request(s) and stay informed about potential required actions.


Real-Time Status Updates

  • Implement real-time status updates within your UI to enhance transparency and user confidence. When Change Requests undergo status changes, whether pending, approved, or declined, promptly reflect these updates in your front-end interface.

  • This allows your users to track the progress of their Change Request without manually checking or calling your API.


Communicate Decline Reasons

  • When Change Requests are declined, ensure that the reason and reason type are communicated to your users. Design UI elements that can display the Reason Type and Reason in a user-friendly manner.

  • This provides transparency and empowers the users to take corrective actions if needed.


Tip: We recommend you configure Web Alerts and Email Alerts to pass “Declined”, “Approved”, or “Pending Review” Change Request statuses to your front-end interface for whitelabeled end-user communication.

Change Request Management Flow


Prevent Funding to an Existing Bank Account

To prevent funds from being sent to an existing account while the change request is being reviewed and approved, either as an optional feature for merchants to choose when submitting the bank change or as the default process for your software

Reasons that a Referrer or Facilitator may want to prevent funds from being disbursed to or withdrawn from a Merchant’s existing bank account include but are not limited to:

  • The Merchant’s bank account has been closed by their bank due to reported fraudulent activity.

  • The Merchant’s bank account was closed by the merchant before the change request being approved.

  • The Merchant added incorrect bank account information by mistake that they do not want to use.

Request URL & Headers

Code Block
PUT /accounts/{id} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
APIKEY: {private_api_key}

Path Parameter

{id} - The account ID for the bank account you want to deactivate.

titleRequest Body Example

The following example changes the bank account's status parameter from 3 - [Fully] Verified to 1 - Ready [for verification] to remove the verification required to fund a bank account. In addition, you can optionally choose to change the inactive parameter to 1 - Inactive to also achieve a similar result.

Note: All other previous bank account information will remain the same in the request body. If you are unsure about the information of an existing account, you can make an API call to GET /accounts/{id} endpoint using the same path parameter to return the needed information in the response.

Code Block
  "id": "p1_act_5a1ef5e55656698eefaf8b6,",
  "name": "TD Bank"
  "primary": "0",
  "type": "all",
  "reserved": "0",
  "inactive": "1",
  "frozen": "0",
  "status": "1",


Change Request Management Flow

See the flowchart below for a visual understanding of the Change Request Management process flow:




To learn more about the specifics of adding or updating a bank account, see our Account Maintenance articles:

The processes outlined below will outline how to submit a Change Request to update your or your Merchant’s bank account information.


See Test Bank Account Change Requests in the Sandbox Environment for parameters that can be used to review the outcome of various Change Request results.

Using the Portal

Submitting a change request using the Portal can be completed in a few simple steps along with easy upload of the supporting documents in a single process:


  • a note added to the Referrer or Merchant account, and;

  • an email to the user that submitted the Change Request with more detail explaining the review result and reason.

Read more about Declines below.


titleMore on Declines

Decline Responses

When a submission is Declined, a reason and accompanying note will be added to your entity account by the reviewer. Declines can occur for one of the following reasons:

Decline Reason


Unable to validate

The information provided doesn't allow risk analysts to validate your information.

No Response

Analysts have followed up with additional questions and received no response.

Invalid Document

The document provided for review was not sufficient.

Unable to read

The document provided was unreadable.

Expired Document

The document provided has expired.


Custom reason, filled out by reviewing Risk Analyst as needed




View Your Pending Change Requests


titleClick here to see all features of the Change Requests Queue.

From the Change Requests Queue, you can:

  • Respond to Change Requests individually or in batches:

    • Approve - The Change Request was approved after manual risk review.

    • Decline - The Change Request was declined after a manual risk review.

    • Mark as Reviewed - The Change Request has been reviewed and is awaiting a decision.

  • Sort Change Requests by:

    • User - The user name of the business (entity) owner that submitted the Change Request

    • Merchant - The associated Merchant who’s bank account is being changed.

    • Division - The division that the Merchant belongs to.

    • Days Boarded - The number of days the Merchant has successfully been boarded on the Payrix platform.

    • Fields - The fields being changed or added with the Change Request.

    • New Value - The field values being added or updated for each field.

    • Analyst - The name of the Risk Analyst who has reviewed and responded to the Change Request.

    • Change Date - The date the Change Request was submitted.

  • Filter Change Requests by Status:

    • Manual Review - The Change Request was submitted and required a manual risk review.

    • Reviewed - The Change Request has been reviewed and is awaiting a decision.

    • Approved - The Change Request was approved after submission.

    • Declined - The Change Request was declined after submission.

    • Deleted - The initial Change Requests were deleted (cancelledCancelled) by the requesting user.


Declines can occur for one of the following reasons:

These declines will be accompanied by a note added to your account from the risk reviewer.

You can also view previously declined Change Requests by clicking the Declined filter on the Change Requests tab.

titleMore on Declines

Decline Reason


Unable to validate

The information provided doesn't allow risk analysts to validate your information.

No Response

Analysts have followed up with additional questions and received no response.

Invalid Document

The document provided for review was not sufficient.

Unable to read

The document provided was unreadable.

Expired Document

The document provided has expired.


Custom reason, filled out by reviewing Risk Analyst as needed.


Test Bank Account Change Requests in the Sandbox Environment

Using the following bank account information, you can submit a manual change request that will be treated as a sandbox test when submitted in the Sandbox environment.

The routing numbers provided below will generate a specific automated risk decision for each type of Change Request result to help you better understand the process.

Note: You can use any 10 to 12-digit account number for US-based entities and 8 to 12-digit account number for Canada-based entities.

US-Based Entity Routing Number

Canada-Based Entity Routing Number

Change Request Decision Result






Manual Review


