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PrePopulate sign up forms
Portal color selector
Login Screen Template Customization
Prepopulate sign up forms
Payrix now offers the ability to Pre-Populate the Merchant Sign-Up Forms using merchant data stored in partner platforms/software/databases. This will create a better merchant experience by reducing the amount of information your merchants will need to input on the signup form to create a merchant account.
Currently, merchants onboarding to our partner platforms will input personal and business information to create their account. After the client made the partner/platform account, they click a button to direct them to the merchant signup form(Payrix App) and have to re-input all the same information creating a choppy and repetitive process.
With this new feature, Platforms can now pass the merchant data into the signup form using the parameters in the URL and prepopulate the nonsensitive merchant information. The information is available for the merchant to review, edit if needed, input their sensitive information such as SS#, DOB, Banking information and create the merchant account in a fraction of the time.
How it works:
Partners can follow this guide to learn how to prepopulate the signup form.
If the partner wants to prepopulate the entity name, they will send in the URL query parameters:
?name=entityname, and the field for the entity name will be populated.
Now, let's say they want to populate the merchant environment as well, so they would send this:
Same with members, if a member needed to be populated then something like this could be sent:
Notice how some fields have specific values that can be sent, like environment and einType. Other fields accept only 0 or 1, which are specified in the guide.
Query parameters used to prepopulate merchant sign up form
Before creating the parameters, please refer to the Boarding Guide and API Doc for details on the specific fields. Below is a list of all items that you can pass in with the query string and the corresponding value type.
E.g ?type=1&merchant[environment]=cardPresent&merchant[members][0][country]=USA
Merchant Buisiness information
haveEmployees=0 | 1
einType=ssn | tin | other
state=State | Province
merchant[annualCCSales]=string (amount in cents)
merchant[avgTicket]=string (amount in cents)
merchant[environment]= supermarket | moto | cardPresent | fuel | serviceStation | restaurant | ecommerce
merchant[mcc]=string (must be a valid mcc number)
merchant[advancedBilling]=0 | 1
merchant[new]=0 | 1
merchant[locationType]=77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81
merchant[seasonal]=0 | 1
merchant[saqType]=SAQ-A | SAQ-A-EP | SAQ-B | SAQ-B-IP | SAQ-C-VT | SAQ-C | SAQ-P2PE-HW | SAQ-D
merchant[pciCompliant]=0 | 1
Merchant Member
merchant[members][0][significantResponsibility]=0 | 1
merchant[members][0][politicallyExposed]=0 | 1
merchant[members][0][state]=State | Canada Province
State possible values = AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | DC | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY | AA | AE | AP | AS | FM | GU | MH | MP | PR | PW | UM | VI
Canada Provinces possible values = ON | QC | NS | NB | MB | BC | PE | SK | AB | NL
Country possible values = CAN | USA
Portal color selector
Portal Color Selector
Payrix offers an expansive API and a best-in-class merchant portal, creating an end-to-end service for partners and merchants. The Payrix product is fully available for white-labeling to allow partners to carry the look and feel of their brand throughout their merchant/ customer journey. To offer partners an upgraded Whitelabel experience, Payrix now offers customizable color selectors for the merchant portal. This will allow partners to maintain their branding and color scheme throughout their software and into the Payrix white-labeled solution.
Step 6: Make sure the color you want to display is marked as default, and this will populate in the merchant portal to provide a more seamless experience between your platform and the portal.
Login Screen Template Customization
Payrix now offers partners the ability to create a customized login screen. Partners will be able to select from 4 different pre-built templates and upload a picture of their choosing as a background. Additionally, clients can change their logo and input the desired text to customize the login screen.