Merchants (R)

The Merchants page shows a complete list of all merchants, both active and inactive. From the Merchant page, you can add new merchants, view statistics about all merchants, or search and view details about existing individual merchants.

Navigate to the Merchants page by clicking MERCHANTS under Management in the left hand navigation panel.

Partial view of the Merchants page, showing the Merchant Data Banner and the Merchants Table.

Merchants Page Features

Merchant Data Banner

View the total number of merchants, and the number of active and inactive merchants in the banner at the top of the page.

Board New Merchants

Click the ADD MERCHANT button at the top right hand corner of the Merchant Data Banner to access the Merchant Boarding Form page.

Merchant Table and Profile Access

Locate individual merchants in the main table. The merchant table shows the following information in the default view:

Merchant Table Column Name


Merchant Table Column Name


Legal Business Name

The merchant’s business name.


The name of the person established as primary contact for that merchant.

Entity Status

The status of the entity associated with the merchant: active or inactive.

Date Created

The date that the merchant was added.

Available Balance

The account balance for the merchant.

Dashboard icon

Click the DASHBOARD icon to see the Portal from the perspective of the merchant.

Merchant Table Actions

The Merchant table supports the following actions:

  • View additional information about individual merchants by clicking the table row for a specific merchant.

  • Click on any value in the table row to view the Merchant Account Overview for a specific merchant.

Customize Your Merchant Table View

You can customize your view using the options found at the top of the table. View the Table Search and Sort Instructions for instructions on customizing, sorting, or searching tables.

Expand the section below to view a complete list of the data that you can display on the Merchants Table:

Entity Data

  • Legal Business Name

  • Entity Status

  • Date Created

  • Division Name

  • Entity ID

  • Created by

  • Date Modified

  • Modified By

  • Login ID

  • Division ID

  • Parameters ID

  • Type

  • Address

  • City

  • Zip

  • State

  • Country

  • Phone

  • Fax

  • Email

  • EIN

  • Currency

  • Custom

  • Website

  • T&C Version

  • T&C Date

  • TIN Status

Primary Owner Data

  • Contact

  • Owner ID

  • Name

  • SSN

  • Date of Birth

  • Ownership Percent

  • Address

  • City

  • Zip

  • State

  • Country

  • Phone

  • Fax

  • Email

  • Drivers License Number

  • Drivers License State

Funds Data

  • Available Balance

  • Reserved Balance

  • Pending Balance

  • Total Balance

Merchant Data

  • Merchant ID

  • DBA

  • ApplePay Active

  • ApplePay Status

  • Date Created

  • Created by ID

  • Created by

  • Date Modified

  • Modified By

  • MCC

  • Date Boarded

  • Last Transaction Date

  • Date Established

  • Annual Card Sales

  • Average Ticket

  • Boarding Status

  • Discover Status

  • Status

Related Pages

The Merchants page links to the following other pages: