Reporting Values

When downloading a CSV version of a Portal-generated report, you’ll see a series of values. See the table below for a breakdown of these field values.








Date of the Report (YYYY-MM).


Entity ID

Unique identification number that is used to represent an entity. This is generated by the Platform.


Entity Type

Each unique identification number will represent either a referrer or merchant.


Entity Name

This is the legal business name of the merchant or official name of the referrer.


Entity DBA

The name that the entity is Doing Business As.


Entity Custom

If the entity has an active custom data set it will be shown here if applicable.


Merchant ID

Merchant Identification Number (MID).


Merchant Name

Name of the Merchant Business.


Merchant Boarded

The date the merchant was boarded on the Platform.


Merchant DBA

Merchant Doing Business As.


Merchant Custom

Merchant Custom Description.


Login Name

Primary Platform Portal Login for the Merchant Account.


Txn ID

Unique identifier of a transaction.


Txn Type

Sales, Refund, Reverse Authorization, eCheck Sale (ACH).



Time Transaction was created and/or authorized.



Time authorized transaction was batched out.



Settled (Batched Out), Approved (Successfully authorized), Failed (Decline)



Name on Card.



Name of Company of Card Holder (if business card).



Client description of bank account.


Order Number

Order Number.


Card Brand

Card Brand (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or AMEX) or Bank Account (ACH).


Card Type

Type of Card (Debit, Credit, Prepaid) or eCheck (ACH).


BIN Routing

Bank Identification Number specific to issuing pay.


Last Four

Last Four of Card Number.



eCommerce (card not present) or Terminal (card present).



TRUE - payment is not moving through our gateway,
FALSE - payment process through gateway.


Card Present

TRUE (card present transaction) or
FALSE (card not present transaction).



Amount of Transaction at initial authorization.



Approved Amount of Transaction.



Final Amount of Transaction after settlement.



Refunded Amount if applicable.


AMEX Sale Volume

Total count of AMEX sales.


AMEX Refund Volume

Total count of AMEX refunds.


AMEX Net Volume

Total of AMEX net sales.


AMEX Txn Count

Total count of AMEX transactions


Visa Sale Volume

Total count of VISA sales.


Visa Refund Volume

Total count of VISA refunds.


Visa Net Volume

Total of VISA net sales.


Visa Txn Count

Total count of VISA transactions


MC Sale Volume

Total count of MasterCard sales.


MC Refund Volume

Total count of MasterCard refunds.


MC Net Volume

Total of MasterCard net sales.


MC Txn Count

Total count of MasterCard transactions


Discover Sale Volume

Total count of Discover sales.


Discover Refund Volume

Total count of Discover refunds.


Discover Net Volume

Total of Discover net sales.


Discover Txn Count

Total count of Discover transactions


eCheck Sale Volume

Total count of eCheck sales.


eCheck Refund Volume

Total count of eCheck refunds.


eCheck Net Volume

Total of eCheck net sales.


eCheck Txn Count

Total count of eCheck transactions


Other Sale Volume

Total count of ‘other’ sales.


Other Refund Volume

Total count of ‘other’ refunds.


Other Net Volume

Total of ‘other’ net sales.


OTHER Txn Count

Total count of ‘other’ transactions


Total CC Sale Volume

Total count of Credit Card sales.


Total CC Refund Volume

Total count of Credit Card refunds


Total Net CC Volume

Total of Credit Card net sales


Total eCheck Sale Volume

Total count of eCheck sales.


Total Check Refund Volume

Total count of eCheck refunds


Total Net Check Volume

Total count of net eCheck sales


Total Net Volume

Total count of net sales


Total Txn Count

Total count of transactions


Income / Cost Account Updater Fee

Fee associated with the Card Account Updater service.


Income / Cost Ach Failure Fee

Fee assessed if an ACH(eCheck) transaction fails.


Income / Cost Adjustment

Any type of adjustment made outside of the standard fees.


Income / Cost Auth Fee

Fee charged for the authorization of the transaction at time of sale.


Income / Cost Boarding Fee

Fee assessed when a merchant is boarded to the Platform. The fee is charged at the time of application submission.


Income / Cost Capture Fee

Fee related to each transaction that is successfully captured/batched out.


Income / Cost Chargeback Fee

Any fee associated with the chargeback process to include chargebacks, arbitration and retrievals


Income / Cost eCheck Refund Fee

Fee assessed when an eCheck (ACH) is being refunded .


Income / Cost eCheck Return Fee

Fee related to any eCheck(ACH) transaction that is returned.


Income / Cost eCheck Sale Fee

Based on volume or per transaction for any eCheck (ACH) Payment.


Income / Cost Entry Refund

Any refund of fees associated with a transaction will be displayed in this column.


Income / Cost Interchange Fee

Fees charged by the card brands


Income / Cost One Time Fee

Fees related to one off charges. (ie. monthly fee, or PCI Fees.) Income could include SaaS fees or support fees charged to the merchant (anything charged monthly to the merchant.)


Income / Cost Payout Fee

Fee related to each time a deposit is made to the merchant.


Income / Cost Profit Share

This is only related to referrers that have a profit share.


Income / Cost Refund Fee

Fee related to each time a refund is run.


Income / Cost Reverse Auth Fee

Fee related to each time an authorization is reversed.


Income / Cost Statements

Fee charged through statements


Income / Cost Time-Based Fee

Fees that only occur at a certain time.


Income / Cost Other

Fees that don’t fit into any of the other buckets are put here.


Int Type

Interchange Category Type which determines the interchange fee pricing.


Int Percentage

Interchange volume based percentage of transaction amount ***(Interchange percentage assessed to the transaction, based on card type/card brand on the volume (amount) of the transaction) Interchange rates are published by the card brands and updated twice a year (April and October.)


Int Flat

Interchange fee assessed on a Per Item basis. These rates are published by the card brands and updated twice a year (April and October).


Int Amount

Total Interchange fees (INT PERCENTAGE + INT FLAT) assessed on the transaction, reflected as a dollar amount.



Total of all Assessment fees (fees charged by card brands) reported on a per transaction basis.


Payrix Fees

Reflects the Payrix Buy-Rates.


Merchant Cost

Fee charged to merchant by referrer.


Merchant Cost Refund

Total Fee Refunded to the merchant.


Merchant Net

Total settled amount lesser Vendor fees. This column reflects the total final amount disbursed to the merchant. If a partner is on statement entries this would be totaled monthly.


Vendor Fee

Fee charged to merchant by referrer.


Vendor Fee Refund

Total Fee Refunded to the Vendor (this field will only populate on transactions associated with refunds).


Vendor Cost

Total fee cost to Referrer/Partner, calculated as sum of “INT AMOUNT”, “ASSESSMENTS” and “PAYRIX FEES”.


Vendor Cost Refund

Vendor Cost that is refunded.


Vendor Net

Total Revenue to Referrer/Partner based on transaction level.


Disbursement ID - Payout

This is the Disbursement ID of the payout, an event line item.

Available for Balance Details and Statement Details reports only.

Note: Contact your relationship manager to enable this setting.

Disbursement ID - Payout Status

Status of the disbursement payout.

Available for Balance Details and Statement Details reports only.

Note: Contact your relationship manager to enable this setting.

Disbursement ID - Line Item

Displays individual entry items for a balance disbursement.

Available for Balance Details report only.

Note: Contact your relationship manager to enable this setting.

Disbursement ID - Line Item Status

Status of the balance disbursement line item

Available for Balance Details report only.

Note: Contact your relationship manager to enable this setting.

Disbursement Entry Status

Status of balance disbursement entry.

Available for Balance Details report only.

Note: Contact your relationship manager to enable this setting.

Reference Entity

Displays the Paying or collecting entity reference number

Available for Statement Details report only.

Reference Entity Name

Displays the name of the entity

Available for Statement Details report only.

From Entity Name

Displays the name of the entity sending the funds (Payer)

On merchant view this would always be blank.

Available for Statement Details report only.

To Entity Name

Determines the entity that is receiving the funds. (Collector)

Available for Statement Details report only.

On Entity

Triggering entity that generated the event.

Typically this is the same as the Payer or “From” entity.

Available for Statement Details report only.

On Entity DBA

The display name of the triggering entity that generated the event.

Available for Statement Details report only.


The date when the statement entry occurred.

Note: This is not the statement billing date.

Available for Statement Details report only.

Statement ID

Statement ID which correlates to the statement ID on the Balance Details Report (STM).

Available for Statement Details report only.


The event type that triggered the fee.

Available for Statement Details report only.

Event ID

ID of the event triggered.

Available for Statement Details report only.


Description of the fee. 

Available for Statement Details report only.


Total value of the entry within the statement.

Available for Statement Details report only.


Statement Entry ID or the unique ID of the entry within the statement (STE).

Available for Statement Details report only.

Original Event ID

ID of the original Event that triggered the fee.

Available for Statement Details report only.


A field that is customizable from the Partner to collect certain info.

Available for Transaction Details report only.

Visa Fixed Acquirer Network Fee

Lists all Visa FANF fees (formerly Network Participation Fee or “NPF).


Available for Profit & Loss, Balance Details and Statement Details reports only.


Visa Transaction Integrity Fee

All Visa TIF fees for transactions using Visa debit and prepaid cards that do not meet Visa CPS (Custom Payment Services) requirements.


Available for Profit & Loss, Balance Details and Statement Details reports only.

Merchant Location Fee

Mastercard Merchant Location Fees.


Available for Profit & Loss, Balance Details and Statement Details reports only.

Fee Interchange / Assessments

When the event is interchange - this provides more clarity on the assessment.

Available for Balance Details and Statement Details reports only.

Fee Interchange / Assessments Rate (% or $)

$ or % depending on the way the fee is set up.

Available for Balance Details and Statement Details reports only.

Fee Interchange / Assessments Amount

Total amount of the line item fee.

Available for Balance Details and Statement Details reports only.