Payment History (M)
The Payment History page shows detailed information about your payment transactions, sales, and authorizations. You can search or sort by specific criteria, or access detailed reports about specific transactions.
To access the Payments History page, click Payment History under Payments in the left navigation bar.
Payment History Features
Customize Your Payment History Table
You can customize your view using the options found at the top of the table. View the Table Search and Sort Instructions for instructions on customizing, sorting, or searching tables.
Expand the section below to view a complete list of the data that you can display on the Payment History table:
Filter the Table by Sales, Authorizations, or Refunds
View a single category of transaction by choosing one of the three buttons at the top left in the table: SALES, AUTHORIZATIONS, or REFUNDS. The table will repopulate to show only transactions of the category selected.
Perform Batch Actions on Select Transactions
Issue Refunds on certain transactions using the Batch Actions function by following the steps below:
Select specific transactions from the Payments History table using the Checkboxes in the table column on the right.
To access the Batch Actions dropdown menu, select the grey triangle and click REFUNDS.
Confirm the refund request in the pop-up window.
Related Pages
Click the links or items in the Payments History to access any of the following pages: