Automated Decisions

The Automated Decisions page displays the parameters of a work flow that is automatically triggered and applies to all members of a specific group of merchants or other entities associated with your referrer account.

Navigate to the Automated Decisions page by following the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click on Groups, found in the Management category in the left hand navigation panel.

  • Step 2: Click on the specific group name to open the Group Profile page.

  • Step 3: Click on the Decisions tab located in the left hand tabs panel on the Group Profile page.

  • Step 4: Click ADD DECISION to open the Automated Decisions page.

Partial view of the Automated Decisions page, including the Add a Rule section and the Active Rules section.

Automated Decisions Features

Add a Rule

The Add a Rule section allows you to add a new rule that will apply to all entities in a group profile. To add a new rule, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click ADD RULE in the top left hand corner of the section.

  • Step 2: Two drop down menus will open in the page. From the left hand side drop down menu, select the Rule Type from the following choices:

    • Consumer Transaction Risk

    • Merchant Transaction Risk

    • Boarding

    • Refunds

    • Watchlist

  • Step 3: The right hand side drop down menu will repopulate with specific rules related to the rule type that you selected in Step 2. Choose the specific rule that will be applied.

  • Step 4: A new section will open in the page. Enter the requested information related to the specific rule that you chose in Step 3.

  • Step 5: To save the new rule and apply it to group members, click SAVE in the top right hand corner of the section. If you want to discard the new rule, click CANCEL in the top left hand corner of the page.

Active Rules

The Active Rules section contains lists of rules applied to your group. Select a rule from the lists to view or make changes. The section is divided by the type of rule, and includes the following subsections:

  • Consumer Transaction Risk

  • Merchant Transaction Risk

  • Boarding

  • Refunds

Related Pages:

Click the links in the Automated Decisions page to access any of the following pages: