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  • Merchant Entry Details (R)

    The Merchant Entry Details page contains information for a specific entry found in your Merchant Balance Details page.

    To navigate to the Entry Details page, follow these steps:

    • Step 1: Navigate to the Merchant Dashboard page in the left hand navigation panel.

    • Step 2: Click BALANCE DETAILS in the upper right hand corner of the Dashboard page to open the Merchant Balance Details page.

    • Step 3: Click on a row in the Entries table located at the bottom of the Balance Details page.

    Partial view of the Merchant Entry Details page, including the Entry Details form.

    Entry Details Features

    Entry Details Form

    The Entry Details form includes the following information about a specific entry and its associated transaction:

    Entry Details Form Field Name


    Entry Details Form Field Name



    The entry ID number.


    The date that the entry was created.


    The entity associated with the balance entry: Referrer, Merchant, or other.

    Opposing Entry

    The identifier of the entry that this entry was created based on.


    The dollar amount of the transaction associated with the balance entry.


    The description of the transaction event associated with the balance entry.


    The type of currency associated with the transaction.

    Event ID

    The transaction event number.


    The type of transaction event associated with the balance entry.


    The transaction ID number.

    From Entity Name

    The name of the entity that created the entry.

    From Entity ID

    The ID of the entity that created the entry.


    The dispute ID associated with the entry, if the associated transaction was disputed.


    The dollar amount of any disbursement associated with the entry.


    The dollar amount of any refund associated with the entry.


    The dollar amount of any fee associated with the entry.

    Entry Details Form Actions

    Click the CLIPBOARD icon to copy associated information from the ID or Event ID category.

    Related Pages

    Click the links in the page to access any of the following pages: