• Ready for review
  • Merchant Balance Details (R)

    The Balance Details page contains information about your total account balance, as well as a list of account balance entries contributing to the total balance.

    To navigate to the Balance Details page, follow these steps:

    • Step 1: Navigate to the Merchant Dashboard page in the Merchant Portal.

    • Step 2: Click BALANCE DETAILS in the upper right hand corner of the Dashboard page.

    Partial view of the Balance Details page, showing the Balance Details Information Banner and the Balance Entries Table.

    Balance Details Features

    Balance Details Information Banner

    The Balance Details information banner contains an overview of your account balance, including the Total, Reserved, Pending, and Account Balance. The Balance Details information banner is located at the top of the Balance Details page. Click the REFRESH icon, located at the top right hand corner of the panel, to view your most recent balance details.

    Balance Entries Table

    The Balance Entries table contains a list of all balance entries associated with your account balance. Individual entries are listed by row. The default view includes the following information:

    Balance Entries Table Column Name


    Balance Entries Table Column Name



    The entry ID number.


    The date and time that the entry was created.


    The type of transaction event associated with the balance entry.


    The total dollar amount of the transaction associated with the balance entry.

    Balance Entries Table Actions

    The Balance Entry table supports the following actions:

    • View additional information about any entry by clicking on any row in the Balance Entry table.

    • Access additional details about a specific entry by clicking any information in the table row to view the Merchant Entry Details page for that item.

    Customize Your Balance Entries Table

    You can customize your view using the options found at the top of the table. View the Table Search and Sort Instructions for instructions on customizing, sorting, or searching tables.

    Expand the section below to view a complete list of the data that you can display on the Balance Entries table:

    Entries Data

    • ID

    • Date

    • Event

    • Total

    • Event ID

    • Description

    • Date Created

    • Created by

    • Date Modified

    • Modified By

    • From

    • Entity ID

    • Fee ID

    • Disbursement ID

    • Refund ID

    • TXN ID

    • Dispute ID

    • Adjustment ID

    • Opposing Entry

    Entity Data

    • Company

    • Created by

    • Date Modified

    • Modified By

    • Login ID

    • Parameters ID

    • Type

    • Address

    • City

    • Zip

    • State

    • Country

    • Phone

    • Fax

    • Email

    • EIN

    • Currency

    • Custom Website

    • T&C Version

    • T&C Date

    • TIN Status

    Filter the Table by Processed, Pending, or Statement

    View a single category of transaction by choosing one of the three buttons in the top left hand corner of the table: PROCESSED, PENDING, or STATEMENT. The table will repopulate to show only transactions of the category selected.

    Related Pages

    Click the links in the page to access any of the following pages: