Monitoring Chargebacks & Disputed Funds

When a Chargeback occurs, Merchants will lose funds and receive funds as different stages and decisions are provided.

Use the following steps below to review and track Chargebacks manually & verify the movement of disputed transaction funds to and from the Merchant’s account:

Valid Header Required

Please note that all API calls listed below will require the valid headers:

Content-Type:application/json APIKEY:{{private_api_key}}

Step 1: Get all Chargebacks Modified the Previous Day

Run the following query to see all Chargebacks modified within the past day:


Optional Merchant ID filter:


Note & copy the txn field value (Transaction ID) and proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Find All Associated Chargeback Disputes for the Transaction

Run the following query to find any associated Chargebacks with a transaction:

Multiple Chargebacks can be associated with the same Transaction ID.

Retrieve each associated chargeback field value (Chargeback ID) and proceed to Step 3.

Step 3: Review Associated Funds Movement

Run the following query to find all entries associated with that Chargeback. (Excludes Chargeback Fees):

Then, add the totals to the query to sum the amount:


  • If the sum equals 0, the chargeback funds have been returned to the merchant,

  • If negative the merchant has been debited the chargeback amount.