Transaction Details (R)

Transaction Details (R)

This topic describes the following pages:

  • Transaction Details

  • Transaction Receipt

The Transaction Details page contains information about specific transactions made by customers through your merchants and allows you to perform actions including generating receipts or issuing a refund.

To access the Transaction Details page:

  1. Click Payment History in the Payments category in the left navigation panel.

  2. Scroll down to the Payment History table.

  3. Click any information in a row for a specific transaction to open the Transaction Details page.

Partial view of the Transaction Details page, showing the Transaction Details Panel and the Transaction Details Box.

Transaction Details Features

Transaction Details Panel

The Transaction Details Panel contains an overview of information about the transaction, action items related to the transaction, and access to the associated merchant’s portal view.

The Transaction Details Panel displays the following information:

  • The title of the transaction as defined by the merchant.

  • The transaction status.

  • The dollar amount of the transaction.

  • The credit card type and last four digits associated with the transaction.

  • The date and time that the transaction was performed.

Transaction Details Panel Actions

The Transaction Details Panel supports the following actions:

  • Generate and save a transaction receipt by clicking RECEIPT to open the Transaction Receipt page.

  • View more information about the merchant associated with the transaction by clicking the merchant name at the lower right corner of the Transaction Details Panel.

  • Access the Merchant Dashboard view by clicking the DOOR icon to the right of the merchant name.

  • Refresh the transaction to view any new updates by clicking the REFRESH icon at the top right corner of the page.

  • Access additional transactions in your payment history by clicking the next or last arrows located at the top right corner of the panel.

To issue a refund:

  1. Click REFUND to open the Refund lightbox in the page.

  2. Enter the amount to be refunded to the customer.

  3. Click REFUND to process the transaction refund.

To copy and save transaction details:

  1. Click COPY TRANSACTION to open the Copy Transaction lightbox in the page.

  2. Click SAVE to save the transaction data.

Transaction Details Box

The Transaction Details Box contains details about the customer and a specific transaction and is located at the bottom of the Transaction Details page.

Click the tabs on the left side of the Transaction Details Box to view information about a specific topic. The following sections of this page cover descriptions of the contents of each of the tabs:

Customer Tab

The Customer tab contains the following information about the customer associated with the transaction:

Customer Tab Field Name


Customer Tab Field Name


First Name

The customer’s first name as it appears on the credit card.

Last Name

The customer’s last name as it appears on the credit card.


The company associated with the customer.


The phone number associated with the customer.


The email address associated with the customer.


The street address portion of the customer’s billing address.

Address 2

Additional street address information associated with the customer’s billing address.


The city portion of the customer’s billing address.


The state portion of the customer’s billing address.


The zip portion of the customer’s billing address.

Customer Discretionary Field 1

A description entered by the merchant.

Customer Discretionary Field 2

A description entered by the merchant.

Customer Discretionary Field 3

A description entered by the merchant.

Transaction Tab

The Transaction tab contains the following details about the transaction:

Transaction Tab Field Name


Transaction Tab Field Name



The Payrix-generated transaction ID number.


The date that the transaction was created.


The date that the transaction was captured on.


The type of transaction: sale or refund.


The dollar amount of tax charged on the transaction.


An additional charge, in dollars.

Total Requested

The total dollar amount requested in the transaction.


The Payrix-generated batch ID number.

Created By

The name of the person or entity that created the transaction.

Created From IP

The IP address associated with the entity that created the transaction.

Client IP

The IP address associated with the terminal that initiated the transaction.


The host associated with the transaction terminal.


The Merchant Identification number associated with the transaction.

Terminal ID

The Terminal Identification number associated with the terminal that initiated the transaction.


The payment channel associated with the merchant terminal.


A description entered by the merchant.

Order Number

The order number associated with the transaction, generated by the merchant.

Subscription ID

An identification number associated with a recurring transaction.

Related Transaction

Other transactions that occurred between the merchant and the customer associated with this transaction.

Authorization Code

The alphanumeric code that indicates whether the transaction was authorized.


The tokenized identification number associated with the credit card.

First TXN ID

The transaction ID associated with the first transaction between the merchant and this customer.

Card On File Type

The type of card stored as a payment method by the merchant.

Payment Details Tab

The Payment Details tab contains the following information about the credit card associated with the transaction:

Payment Details Tab Field Name


Payment Details Tab Field Name


Last 4

The last four digits of the credit card associated with the transaction.

Card Type

Tye type of credit card associated with the transaction.


The type of transaction: Swiped or Non-swiped.


Indicates whether the transaction required a signature.

Issuing Bank

The name of the bank associated with the credit card.


The Bank Identification Number associated with the credit card.

BIN Type

The type of card being used.

BIN Country

The country location of the issuing bank.

Fees Tab

The Fees tab displays the Gross, Fees Paid, and Net dollar amounts at the top of the Fees tab box.

Click the black triangle next to Referrer Fees to display a table with the following information:

Fees Table Column Name


Fees Table Column Name



The dollar amount of the individual fee.


The description of the fee.


The entity that initiated the fee.


The type of fee, if different from the description.


The schedule for the fee, if the payment is recurring.

Alerts Tab

The Alerts tab contains a table with the following information about any alerts and their associated messages generated during the transaction:

Alerts Table Column Name


Alerts Table Column Name



The date and time that the alert was created on.


The type of alert generated.


A code related to the type of alert.


The reason for the alert.

Related Transactions Tab

The Related Transactions tab contains a table with the following information about any related transactions between the merchant and the customer:

Related Transactions Column Name


Related Transactions Column Name



The transcription identification number created by Payrix.


The type of transaction: Sale, Authorization, Capture, or Refund.


The date and time of the transaction.


The current status of the transaction: Captured or Approved.


The dollar amount of the transaction.

Related Transactions Tab Actions

View additional information about any transaction in the Related Transactions table by clicking any information in the table row to redirect to the Transaction Details page for that item.

Additional Tabs

Click SHOW MORE at the bottom of the list of tabs to reveal the following additional tabs:

Additional Tab Names


Additional Tab Names



Invoice and shipping details associated with the transaction.

Platform IDs

The Platform ID associated with the transaction terminal.

Transaction Stream

How the transaction is conducted.


Information entered by the merchant.


Information entered by the merchant.


Click DOCUMENT to upload a document associated with the transaction.

Risk Factors

View a list of any risks associated with the transaction.


View any holds placed on funds associated with the transaction.


View any disputes associated with the transaction.

ACH Return

View alerts of an ACH return associated with the transaction.

Customer Transaction

View additional transactions made by the customer and merchant.

Terminal Transaction

View additional details entered by the merchant associated with the terminal through which the transaction took place.

Additional Tabs Actions

The additional tabs on the Transaction Details page support the following actions:

  • Upload a note to the Notes Tab.

  • Upload a document to the Documents Tab.

  • Mark an ACH Return alert as unread by clicking MARK UNREAD in the ACH Return Tab.

Transaction Receipt (R)

The Transaction Receipt page contains documentation of a specific transaction made between a customer and a merchant, as well as a printable and downloadable receipt for the transaction.

To access the Transaction Receipt page:

  1. Access the Payment History page in the left navigation panel.

  2. Click any information in the transaction table to redirect to the Transaction Details page.

  3. Click RECEIPT on the Transaction Details page and you will be redirected to the Transaction Receipt page.


Transaction Receipt Features

Customer Details

The Customer Details are listed at the top of the Transaction Receipt page, including the customer name, billing address, email address, and phone number.

Transaction Details

The Transaction Details contain the total amount of the transaction, the date of the transaction, the Payrix transaction ID, and the status.

Billing Details

The Billing Details contain the name and account associated with the payment.

Print a Transaction Receipt

To print a copy of the receipt:

  1. Click Print Receipt at the lower left-hand corner of the Transaction Receipt page.

  2. You will be redirected to print a paper copy or save to a PDF.

  3. Click Print to print a copy of the receipt.

Email a Transaction Receipt

To send an emailed receipt:

  1. Click the Send button to open the Send To lightbox.

  2. Enter the recipient's email address, then click Send to email the receipt.

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