Billing Schedule (F)

This topic describes the following pages:

  • Billing Schedule

  • Billing Entries

The Billing Schedule page contains editable information about a specific subscription payment or other recurring billing event that occurs for all merchants or other entities that are part of a specific group.

Navigate to the Billing Schedule page by following the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click on Groups, found in the Management category in the left hand navigation panel.

  • Step 2: Click on a specific group name to open the Group Profile page.

  • Step 3: Click on the Billing Schedules tab located in the left hand tabs panel on the Group Profile page.

  • Step 4: Click on any information in a billing schedule listed in the tab to open the Billing Schedule page.

Partial view of the Billing Schedule page, including the Billing Schedule Information Banner, the Billing Schedule Details section, and the Add Event Button.

Billing Schedule Features

Billing Schedule Information Banner

The top of the page displays the Billing Schedule Information Banner, showing the Amount Due and Last Statement dollar amounts. Click on any information in the banner to access the Billing Entries page.

Billing Schedule Details

The Billing Schedule Details section contains the following editable information describing a specific recurring billing event:

Billing Schedule Details Field Name


Billing Schedule Details Field Name



The Payrix-generated ID associated with the recurring billing event.


The date that the billing schedule was created.


The entity that created the billing schedule.


The start date of the billing schedule.


The date that the billing schedule will end.


A description of the billing schedule entered by the referrer.


The time length from start date to end date for the billing schedule.


How frequently the scheduled billing event appears on your billing statement.

Collection Factor

How often the billing schedule occurs:

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • Annually

Collection Offset

A set interval of time in which bill collection may be delayed or initiated early.

Collection Include Current

Indicates whether the billing schedule will collect during the current billing cycle.


The status of the billing schedule: Active or Inactive.

To edit any information in the Billing Schedule Details section, click the PENCIL icon in the top right hand corner of the page. Edit any information on the page, and save your changes by clicking the CHECKMARK, or discard your changes and return to the previous page by clicking the X.

Add Event Schedule

To add an event schedule to the billing schedule, click ADD EVENT SCHEDULE in the top right hand corner of the page. Enter your information into the lightbox that appears in the page, and click SAVE to save the event schedule, or click CANCEL to discard your changes and return to the Billing Schedule page.

Billing Entries

The Billing Entries page contains information about billing events that occur as part of a billing schedule or regularly scheduled payments associated with a group of merchants or other entities.

Navigate to the Billing Entries page by following the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click on Groups, found in the Management category in the left hand navigation panel.

  • Step 2: Click on a specific group name to open the Group Profile page.

  • Step 3: Click on the Billing Schedules tab located in the left hand tabs panel on the Group Profile page.

  • Step 4: Click on any information in a billing schedule listed in the tab to open the Billing Schedule page.

  • Step 5: Click on any information in the Billing Schedule Information Banner to open the Billing Entries page.

View of the Billing Entries page, including the Statement Information Panel and the Billing Entries History Table.

Billing Entries Features

Statement Information Panel

The Statement Information panel, located at the top of the page, displays the dollar amount due, previous amounts due, and the next statement date.

Billing Entries History Table

The Billing Entries History table is located at the bottom of the page, and contains a list of any previous billing events associated with the billing schedule. The table contains the following information:

Billing Entries History Table Column Name


Billing Entries History Table Column Name



The Payrix-generated ID number associated with the billing event.


The date that the billing event was created.


The dollar amount of the transaction.


The currency in which the transaction occurs.


The billing frequency.

Related Pages:

Click the links in the Billing Schedule page to access any of the following pages: