Setting Up Email Alerts
Email Alerts let users manage important notifications, when they are sent, and who receives them. These alerts provide a simpler way for users to enable custom notifications that can be sent to email if their workflow doesn’t regularly include API usage.
There are 6 Email Alert categories:
Disbursements - Notifications about disbursement events
Merchants - Notification about Merchant boarding events.
Chargebacks - Notifications about chargeback events.
Transactions - Notifications about any transaction events.
Invoices - Notifications about invoice events.
Subscriptions - Notifications about subscription events.
See all available email triggers below.
By default, all custom Email Alerts are disabled, so no alert will be sent if an event happens.
The Platform does provide a set of default Email Alerts when a Merchant is boarded to cover critical notifications. Read more about Default Email Alerts below.
Email Alert Set-Up
To set up an Email Alert, login to the Portal as the user or admin of your choice, then follow the steps below:
Step 1: Dashboard → Email Alerts
Step 2: Toggle on the Email Alert you’d like to send and enter the desired recipient’s email(s).
Tip: It is recommended that you use the Admin’s login email or Account Manager email address to ensure notifications aren’t missed and that alerts are confidential from portfolio Merchants, other users, etc.
Warning: Email Alerts will not be sent to a newly provided email address until it is verified through the initial enrollment email sent to the user.
Default Alerts
When a Merchant first boards onto the Platform, there are predefined email alerts that are configured with the Merchant by default, to keep them informed of critical events that take place within their portfolio, even if they haven’t set up their own email alerts.
See the content below for a list of the default emails, their triggers, and destinations.