The Portal offers many different report options for Facilitators and Referrers with essential reports available for their Merchants. These reports can streamline your understanding of specific key performance indicators of your business, determine how much you’re making on transaction fees, the number of new merchants boarded, and more!
Report Actions
Our robust reporting options offer functionality allowing you to increase awareness of actions in your portfolio, profits & losses, new Merchants boarded, and many more exciting details. To maximize this report data, it’s important to know the options to:
Create Reports
View and Interpret Report Data
Filter and Sort Report Data,
Download Reports in CSV or XLS file
See the content below for different actions you can take with Reports:
Report Types
See the report matrix below to see a complete list of our report options.
Click any of the Report column titles to learn more about each individual report type.
Note: Income & Cost and Interchange reports are only available for facilitators.
Note: Merchant Reports may not appear for some merchants depending on their Portal Access role resources.
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* = must be manually enabled by your Relationship Manager or the Payrix Implementations Team. Click here to submit a ticket.
Account Updater Report
The Account Updater report provides details about customer card information updates, such as the same card with a new expiration date and CVV upon customer card renewal with the issuer.
Active Entity Balance Details Report
The Active Entity Balance Details report shows a list of total account balances by entity. This is especially useful for merchants with the same business in multiple locations.
Balance Details Report
The Balance Details Report displays an overview of your Processed and Pending Income, Expenses, and Net; indicating how many transactions make up the monetary amounts calculated.
An entity’s account balance is a ledger or balance activity that has taken place on the account. The balance details report pulls information from the account balance with a specified time & date range.
A collection of Processed or Pending transactions or fees will be displayed in a list format below along with the Entity, Date, Description, and Total that contributes to the report results tallied in the overview.
Disbursement Summary Report
At the top of this page, you will have the ability to change the date range and select (or deselect) specific merchants. Directly below this section will be a list of disbursements that have been processed with a list of the total amount of Sales, Refunds, Disputes, Fees, and Other amounts that make up the disbursement total.
Disbursement Txn Details Report
Within this report, you will see a breakdown of all Sales and Refunds processed within the last disbursement. This will include details on each transaction such as the DBA, Cardholder, Last Four of the Card, Payment, Type, Created, Captured, Status, Transaction ID, Approved Amount, Requested Amount, Fees, and Net of the transaction processed.
Disputes Report
The Disputes Report displays a list of any (or all) Merchants/users that currently have or have had any disputes within the date range selected.
Dispute Details Report
The Dispute Details Report displays a list of any, or all, merchants including the dispute status, the reason for the dispute, the total disputed amount, and any applicable fees incurred from the dispute.
Dispute Ratios Report
The Dispute Ratio Report provides a ratio of Sales processed for merchants versus the total amount of disputes (chargebacks) that they have received. Within the report, you will see the total sale count followed by the total sale count that has had a chargeback filed. This then has the percentage of total sales vs disputes for the selected merchant and users. Additionally, this report displays the total amount of money from the processed sale count followed by the total amount of disputes filed. This then also has the percentage of volume from processed sales versus those that have been disputed and you can view a breakdown based on the card type (Visa, MC, Amex, and Disc).
In this report, each merchant will have their total sale number broken down based on the number of disbursements. This is then followed by the sale versus dispute ratio and then the total volume and dispute volume ratio.
Note: This report does not indicate the status of the Dispute/Chargeback. Thus, this report will display a Dispute as long as it is open or pending in our system. If the Dispute is Lost it will continue to display; however, if the Dispute is Won, it will be removed from the ratio report.
Income & Cost Report
The Income & Cost report provides a detailed list of net income and costs by individual merchants compiled into one report.
Interchange Report
The Interchange report provides a comprehensive list of interchange rates assessed by cards and merchants within your account.
Invoices Report
At the top of this page, you will see an overview of all Pending, Viewed, Paid, and Total invoices within the selected date range for the report, and how many of each calculate those totals. To change the date range and select (or deselect) specific users, merchants, or an invoice type, utilize the options underneath the date and click on the *icon to recalculate the totals on the page.
Directly below this section will be a list of merchants who have currently pending, viewed, and paid invoices, along with the total amount of invoices they have paid to date.
Negative Balances Report
The Negative Balances Report provides you with an overview of all negative balances for your entities will be displayed at the top of the page, indicating the total negative balance they have occurred, and the total balance calculated based on the total negative balance and the pending balance. If you'd like to change the Users or Entities displayed click on the edit icon to add or remove selections.
Displayed are the different values of a balance to help provide the full context of the account. The “Schedule Withdrawal” column will indicate if the merchant has a pending disbursement and if a collection process has already been initiated.
Note: A negative balance occurs when an account has incurred more Debits than Sales. This can occur if there is a large amount of Returns compared to processed Sales.
This can be in addition to other Debit entries such as Fees and Chargebacks that can cause the available balance to decrease into the negative.
A negative balance can be retrieved via a Debit Withdrawal schedule, which typically takes 5 days to retrieve the negative amount from the merchant bank account.
Payment Returns Report
You will see a breakdown of all rejected payouts within the last disbursement within this report. This will include details on each transaction such as the Status, Disbursement ID, Payment Amount, Requested Amount, and Fees.
Profit & Loss Statement Report
The Profit & Loss Statement report displays all of the data related to your company’s income and expenses for any given user, entity, income/expense status, and date range.
Within this report, you will see:
Gross Income (the total amount of income collected)
Gross Expenses (the total amount of any deductibles such as fees, taxes, and refunds on the account)
Net Income (the total amount of income after expenses have been deducted)
Under the Income section, you’ll see the collective totals of Transactions, Disputes, Fees, Adjustments, and Revenue Shares that generate the Gross Income of the report, and the Expenses section, calculates a breakdown of your Gross Expense on the account.
Note: The Profit & Loss Statement Report pulls completed disbursement dates to reflect report data.
So, if a disbursement hasn’t been processed, for example, by the date you pulled the report, it would not show as “profit” on your Profit & Loss Statement Report
Statement Details Report
The Statement Details Report presents granular details of statement entries shown in the Balance Details Report for Referrers and Merchants using Statement Billing.
Note: The Statement Detail dates are based on the statement entries, while the dates on the Balance Detail report are based on the statement billing. Month-End Example – entries on the Statement Detail of January may correlate to entries in the February Balance Details.
The Balance Details report displays the total value of the statement, and the Statement Detail report provides the details of the entries that make up that line. Such details include the To and From entities, the type of fee, dates, and more. Below is an example of the two reports and the Statement Detail fields.
Transactions Report
A summarization of transactional activity for a specified merchant(s) under a Referrer.
Along with an overview of your Sales, Refunds, and Net sales (and how many of each were available in your selected date range), you will also see a chart depicting the data collected with the total amount of the Report Dates transactions, which pertain to the number of transactions and monetary values of your Sales, Refunds, and Net. Beneath the chart will be a list of all merchants that have contributed to the amounts above.
Transaction Details Report
A list view of the total amount of transactions, fees, and net of the transaction amount will populate this page.
By default, the report will generate with Merchant, Cardholder, Card, Card type, Created Date, Type, Status, Amount, Fee, Assessment, Surcharge Amount, and Net.
You can always change the date range and fields from within advanced filters and click on Generate Report to recalculate the report results on the page.
Transaction Fee Report
The Transaction Fee Report provides an overview of the Total monetary amount of transaction fees accrued along with the number of fees, Payment Methods, Transaction Type, Status, Fee Types, Users, and Entities for the selected date range.
Unpaid Statements Report
The Unpaid Statements report provides a list of merchants that have not paid their statements upon generation of the report and the amount and entity ID associated.