The Withdrawal Details Information Bannerinformation banner, located at the top of the page, contains an overview of the specific withdrawal and access to the merchant’s dashboard. The following information is included in the Information Bannerinformation banner: Information Banner Field Name | Description |
Withdrawal Status | The status of the withdrawal: Approved, Pending, or Failed. The withdrawal status also includes the date that the status was last updated. | Withdrawal Amount | The dollar amount of the withdrawal. | Withdrawal Date | The date that the withdrawal transaction occurred on. | Processed Date | The date that the withdrawal transaction was processed on. | Schedule | The frequency of the withdrawal for withdrawal schedules, shown as daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. | Account | The number of the account number that the withdrawal was made fromfunds the scheduled payment. | Entity | The merchant or other entity associated with the withdrawal transaction. |
The Information Banner supports the following actions: Access the Merchant Dashboard View for the merchant associated with the withdrawal by clicking on the DOOR icon next to the Entity name in the Information Banner. View the Merchant Profile page for the merchant associated with the withdrawal by clicking on the name in the Entity field.
AlertsThe Alerts section is located below the Information Banner, and will display a table with any alerts that are associated with the specific withdrawal. The table contains the following information: Alerts Table Column Name | Description |
Created | The date and time that the alert was created on. | Code | The code associated with the type of alert. | Message | The message generated by the alert code. |
Disbursement DetailsThe Disbursement Details section is located at the bottom of the page, and contains information about how disbursement occurred following the withdrawal transaction, including the following fields: Disbursement Details Field Name | Description |
Trace Number | A 15-digit number that represents the entry detail record based on the merchant's bank routing number. | Amount | The dollar amount of the disbursement associated with the withdrawal. | Platform | The platform terminal that the on which withdrawal transaction was processed on. | Disbursement Totals | Additional details of the disbursement that includes the types of transactions, a count of each transaction type, the monetary amounts for each type, and how much of the amounts was amount disbursed into your account. |