You can charge a fee on a per-transaction basis to generate revenue through your account for every transaction that is authorized or captured by a Merchant. You can apply a transaction fee to an individual Merchant account, or set up a fee that applies to a group of Merchants. This tutorial walks you through the steps to create a new transaction fee for a single Merchant or a group.
Create a new fee that triggers when one of your Merchants performs a transaction.
Portal (Sandbox)
Portal (Production)
Info |
Note |
Warning: Some transaction fee configurations can cause legal complications, so correctly configuring the fee is important. See the Fee Type Setup section at /wiki/spaces/~592821742/pages/23463591945 for more information. |
Note |
Warning: Refer to each card brand and processor’s policies on transaction fees to ensure compliance. |
Tip |
Tip: If you’re unsure of how much to charge for a specific fee type, refer to the Visa and MasterCard card brand network guidelines. |
Tip |
Tip: Setting up a group fee is recommended. This way, any Merchants boarded to that group in the future will automatically incur the same transaction fee as soon as they begin processing payments. |
Tip |
Tip: Select REFUND in Step 3 (below) to trigger a fee when a refund transaction is processed. You can set up a refund trigger in addition to the authorization trigger. |
Additional Resources
For more information about fees and your account, see /wiki/spaces/~592821742/pages/23459922026.
Note: Creating a transaction fee uses a two-part fee setup that involves the creation of multiple fees:
Set up a flat rate fee for all credit card authorizations.
Set up a percentage fee for credit card captures.
This model most closely resembles industry-standard payment processing fees: Flat Fee + % of the transaction total.
Set Up Transaction Fees
Set Up a Transaction Fee for a Group of Merchants
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1. Open the Group Profile
Add a Flat Rate Fee to All Credit Card Authorizations
Result: The fee is now visible in the Group profile fees tab, and will trigger when a transaction authorization occurs using the alternative payment method. |
Set Up a Transaction Fee for an Individual Merchant
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1. Open the Merchant Profile
Add a Flat Rate Fee to All Credit Card Authorizations
Result: The fee is now visible in the Merchant profile fees tab, and will trigger when a transaction authorization occurs using the alternative payment method. 3.Add a Percentage Fee to All Credit Card Captures
Result: The fee is now visible in the Merchant profile fees tab, and will trigger when a transaction capture occurs using the alternative payment method. |
Next Steps
After adding the new fees, review the following use case guides for additional information on related topics:
Set Up a Convenience Fee:Set up a convenience fee for a Merchant account or group.
Enable Transaction Event Alerts:Create an email alert that will trigger when a transaction is created or updated by you or one of your users.
After the fees are created, they will automatically trigger any time an associated Merchant performs a transaction authorization or capture.
Click the links or items below to access any of the following pages:
Groups page [Referrer][Facilitator]
Group Profile page [Referrer][Facilitator]
Fees menu [Referrer][Facilitator]
Merchants page [Referrer][Facilitator]
Merchant Profile page [Referrer][Facilitator]