Title - {Portal Page Name}(Portal Page Level Symbol)
Example: Payment History (R) = Payment History page for Referrers.
{Page Description}
A short paragraph explaining the overview of the page, where it’s located, and its general purpose.
Example: [Page: Payment History (R)]
The Payment History page shows detailed information about your merchants' payment transactions, sales, and authorizations over the last 30 days. You can search or sort by specific criteria, or access detailed reports about specific transactions.
Navigate to the Payments History page by clicking PAYMENT HISTORY under Payments in the left-hand navigation bar.
{Insert Screenshot Here of Top Level Page}
Include a caption for the screenshot of what the user is looking at.
{Portal Page} Features
{List of Features}
In bullet point format list out all features of the page from that view, each in a short sentence.
Click here to view the features of the {Portal Page} page. (Example: Payment History (R))
Payment History Banner
View a summary of your recent authorizations, sales, and refunds from the last 30 days. The banner is divided into the following categories:
Authorizations - Number of authorizations and average transaction dollar amount.
Sales - Total sales dollar amount and failure ratios by count and volume.
Refunds - Total number of refunds and total dollar amount of refunds, as well as refund ratios by count and volume.
Payment History Table
Locate individual merchant transactions in the main table on the Payments History page. Individual transactions are listed by row. The default view includes the following columns:
Enlarges the table by opening it in a full-screen dialog open
Payment History Table Column Names | Description |
Amount | The transaction amount is in dollars. |
Status | Approved, Pending, or Voided. Hover over the icon to view details about the status. |
Cardholder | The name of the cardholder. |
Payment | The credit card brand and the last four digits of the card number. |
Created | The date and time that the transaction was created. |
Merchant | The name of the merchant. |
Checkboxes | Tick to select specific transactions, or tick the checkbox in the table header to select all transactions. |
Arrow Icon | Click on the grey triangle in any row to view additional details for a specific transaction, or click on the grey triangle in the table header to view additional details for all transactions. |
Payment History Actions
The Payment History table supports the following actions:
Access further transaction information by clicking any information in the transaction line to view the Transaction Details page for that payment.
Print a receipt by clicking any information in the transaction line to be redirected to the Transaction Details page, then click RECEIPT.
Load additional transactions to your Transactions History Table by clicking SHOW MORE RESULTS at the bottom of the table.
Reporting and Terminal Transactions
The Payment History page allows you to view the following additional information about individual transactions:
Note: Previously generated Transaction Details Reports are available on the Reports page:
Click REPORTS in the Admin Category in the left-hand navigation bar, then click REPORT HISTORY in the drop-down menu below Reports.
See the Available Portal Reports Guide for more information on reports found in the Payrix Referrer Portal.
Access the Terminal Transactions page by following the steps below:
Step 1: Click on TERMINAL TRANSACTIONS, located in the upper right-hand corner of the Payment History page.
Step 2: You will be redirected to the Terminal Transactions page, where you can access information related to transactions initiated by a customer at a terminal associated with a merchant.
Customize Your {Portal Page} Table
For Portal pages containing tables, outline the page items and data options applicable. Copy the following verbatim:
“You can customize your view using the options found at the top of the table. View the Table Search and Sort Instructions for instructions on customizing, sorting, or searching tables.”
Expand the section below to view a complete list of the data that you can display on the {Portal Page} table:
Click here to view {Portal Page} table customizations. (Example: Payment History (R))
Transaction Data
Date Created
Created By
Date Modified
Modified By
Order Number
Entity Data
Entity ID
Parameters ID
Merchant Data
Customer Data
First Name
Last Name
Filter the Table by {Table Sorting Options}
Advise the user on the specific table filtering options available
View a single category of {page item} by selecting the buttons at the top left in the table: {Option 1}, {Option 2}, or {Option 3}. The table will repopulate to show only {page item} of the category selected.
{Page-Specific Quick Use Case}
Provide 1 to 2 quick page-specific uses, such as batched actions from the Portal page table or buttons available on the page item/listing. (Example: Payment History (R)):
(Example: Payment History (R)) - Issue Refunds on certain transactions using the Batch Actions function by following the steps below:
Step 1: Select specific transactions from the Payments History table using the Checkboxes in the table column on the right.
Step 2: Navigate to the Batch Actions drop-down, select the grey triangle, and click REFUNDS.
Step 3: Confirm the refund request in the pop-up window, or cancel to go back to the Payments History page.
Do not add objective-specific use cases, focus on small 2 to 4-step uses that are helpful when on the page. Link out to more detailed use cases if needed.
Related Pages
Provide links to any Portal pages you can directly access from the page you’re documenting as well as the Table Search and Sort Instructions link.
(Example: Payment History (R)) - Click the links or items in the Payments History to access any of the following pages: