Policies (R)

The Policies page allows you to configure automated risk reviews and applicable response actions for your Merchants individually. This feature allows you to standardize and streamline your risk review process by automatically applying your preferred underwriting review criteria and the appropriate response to save time.

Navigate to the Policies page by clicking Risk under the Admin, then clicking Policies in the left-hand navigation bar.

Tip: To learn more about the Policies tool and view a full list of available policy decision types, visit the Understanding Policies - Risk page.

Tip: To learn more about Group Decisions, which are the equivalent of applying a policy to a Group, visit the Understanding Decisions - Risk page.

Partial view of the Policies page under the Risk category.

Policies Page Features

Policies Table

Locate existing policies in the main table on the Policies page. Individual policies are listed by row. The table view includes the following columns:

Policies Table Column Names


Policies Table Column Names



Your custom name given to your policy.

Target ID

The ID of the Merchant being affected by the policy.


The Merchant boarding or Transaction processing stage where the Policy will be applied.


Whether or not the Policy will be actively applied (Active or Inactive).

Policy ID

The unique ID for each listed policy to be recalled later.

To review and configure decisions for the policy, click on any information in the row to open the Policy Decisions page.

Add New Policies

To add a new policy to your Policies page, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click ADD POLICY in the top right corner of the page to open the Add Policy lightbox.

  • Step 2: Enter a name for the policy, then select a stage for merchant boarding or transaction status where the policy will be applied.

  • Step 3: Choose the Target (Merchant) for the policy to be applied to.

  • Step 4: Set the Status of the policy as Active or Inactive.

  • Step 5: To save the new policy, click the Add Policy button, or discard the information you have entered and return to the Policies page by clicking CANCEL

Policy Actions

The Policies page table supports the following actions:

  • Remove multiple existing policies at once by clicking the checkbox next to each listing, then clicking Remove under the Batch Actions drop-down at the top of the table

  • Load more policies when applicable by using the page options at the bottom of the table, clicking the Next icon, or selecting a higher number of Items per page.

Customize Your Policies Table

Sorting is not available on the Policies page. However, you can utilize the Search function to locate your specific policy based on the available table data.

Related Pages

Click the links or items on the Policies page to access any of the following pages: