eCommerce Disclosure Requirements Best Practices

eCommerce Disclosure Requirements Best Practices

Defines the requirements related to accepting payments on your website put in place by the card brands.

This page covers the disclosure requirements set by the card brands (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover) that apply to all merchants processing eCommerce transactions. eCommerce transactions include all in-app and embedded payments.

This page includes a table that defines each of the requirements and a sample web page that shows the implementation of each of the requirements. These requirements apply to the following entities that accept payments in apps or on websites:

Standard Merchants

Sponsored Merchants

High-Brand Risk Merchants

High-Brand Risk Sponsored Merchants

Standard Payment Facilitators

High-Brand Risk Payment Facilitators

eCommerce Requirements

The table below defines the requirements set by the card brands:







1. Card Brand Logos


Each major credit card’s brand logo must be present (in full color)

2. Legal / Age Restrictions

Enter Date of Birth:


If applicable, this requirement sets restrictions for:

  • transactions requiring minimum age limits (such as for the sale of medical services)


  • transactions requiring certain legal requirements (such as tax/financial service companies).

3. Explanation of Transaction Processed


A complete description of goods or services being sold.

4. Return/Refund policy

Amazon Return Policies

Shown as a sample

The requirement indicating the merchant’s refund policy, even if no refunds are accepted, it must be specified.

5. Customer Service Contact


This requirement displays the contact information for customers to be able to reach a merchant regarding godss, services, or transactions.

This must include an e-mail address or telephone number.

6. Address of Merchant’s Permanent Establishment

123 Company Street,

Brisbane City, QLD, 4000

This requirement shows the permanent address of the merchant selling the goods or service. The address must also include the Country Code.

7. Transaction Currency

Example - AUD

This requirement must display the type of currency being used in the transaction, such as Australian Dollars (AUD), etc.

8. Secure Checkout Icon


This requirement displays a padlock icon within the URL bar that shows online secure checkout compliance requirements are met and can provide cardholders proof of privacy and security while processing credit card and personal data.

9. Web BECS Authorization

I/We authorize and request Payrix Australia Pty. Ltd. ABN 63 135 196 397 (User ID 38220) ("Payrix") to debit payments from my/our account as specified below, at intervals and amounts as directed by XXXXXX ("The Business") as per the Terms and Conditions of my agreement with The Business and in accordance with this Direct Debit Request and the Payrix DDR Service Agreement.


See specific eDDR Requirements here:

This requirement displays an authorization being made by the account holder to process the transaction using BECS payment methods for a merchant to process the transaction meeting BECS requirements.

10. Delivery Policy

Amazon Delivery Policy

Shown as a sample

If applicable, the policy for the delivery of goods purchased in the transaction.

11. Consumer Data Privacy Policy

Amazon Data Privacy Notice

The Home Depot Privacy Policy

Shown as a sample

This requirement (which should be linked within the payment page) which discloses the merchant’s policy of the ways a party gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer or client's data.

12. Secure Checkout Policy

Home Depot Secure Checkout Policy

Shown as a sample

This requirement lists security capabilities and policies for the transmission of payment cardholder data by the Merchant.

13. Terms and Conditions / Terms of Service

Payrix partner’s can satisify this specific requirement in one of two ways:

  1. Partner creates a merchant TOS and requires all of their merchants to follow them and then the partner places a link on the check out

  2. Partner places a link on the checkout page but allows the merchant to upload the T&C themselves.

This requirements lists all legal terms and conditions a consumer cardholder agrees to when purchasing a goods or service from a merchant.