The Plans page displays a list of payment plans associated with your customers’ subscriptions. On this page, you can add a new plan or access more information about a specific plan.
Note: A 'Plan' is the amount and frequency that a customer will be charged. 'Subscriptions' assign customers to the Plan. First create a Plan, and afterwords you can add Subscriptions to the Plan. For more information on subscriptions, open the Recurring Payments and Subscription Details pages.
Navigate to the Plans page by clicking the PLUS icon next to Recurring Payments under Payments in the left-hand navigation panel to open the Recurring Payments drop-down. Click Plans in the drop-down menu.
Plans Features
Click here to view the features of the Plans page.
The Plans Information banner displays an overview of the plans and subscriptions under your account and allows you to add a new plan.
To add a plan to your account, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Click the ADD PLAN button in the upper right-hand corner of the page to open the Add a Plan lightbox.
Step 2: Enter the required information in the empty fields.
Step 3: To save your information and add the new plan, click ADD in the lightbox. To discard your changes without saving, click CANCEL.
Plans Table
The Plans Table displays all of the plans under your account, and includes the following information:
Plans Table Column Names | Description |
Name | The name of the plan. |
Schedule | Indr a charge for the customer. |
Amount | The transaction amount in dollars. |
Status | Approved, Pending, or Voided. Hover over the icon to view details about the status. |
Subscriptions | The number of subscriptions associated with the plan. |
Plans Table Action
To view more details about a specific plan listed in the table, click any information in the table row to open the Plan Details page.
Plans Table Customization Options
You can customize your view using the options found at the top of the table. View the Table Search and Sort Instructions for instructions on customizing, sorting, or searching tables.
Expand the section below to view a complete list of the data that you can display on the Plans table:
Click here to view the Plans Table customizations.
Plan Data
Date Created
Created by
Date Modified
Modified By
Merchant ID
Plan Details (M)
The Plan Details page contains information about a specific plan and its subscriptions. On this page, you can add additional subscriptions and edit information about the plan.
Note: A 'Plan' is the amount and frequency that a customer will be charged. 'Subscriptions' assign customers to the Plan. First create a Plan, and afterwords you can add Subscriptions to the Plan. For more information on subscriptions, open the Recurring Payments and Subscription Details pages.
Navigate to the Plan Details page by following the steps below:
Step 1: Click Recurring Payments in the Payments category of the left-hand navigation panel to open the Recurring Payments drop-down menu.
Step 2: Click Plans in the drop-down menu to open the Plans page.
Step 3: Locate the specific plan in the table on the Plans page, and click any information in the table row to open the Plan Details page.
Partial view of the Plan Details page, including the Plan Details Information Banner, the Subscription and Details tabs, and the Subscriptions Table.
Plan Details Features
Click here to view the features of the Plan Details page.
The Plan Details Information banner is displayed at the top of the page and displays the total, active, and inactive subscriptions assigned to this plan.
Subscriptions Tab
The Subscriptions tab is located under the Plan Details Information banner. By default, the page will direct you to the Subscriptions tab when you open the Plan Details page. The tab contains a table of all subscriptions under the plan, and includes the following information in the default setting:
Subscriptions Table Column Names | Description |
Customer | The name of the customer associated with the subscription. |
Status | The status of the subscription: Active or Inactive. |
Amount | The dollar amount charged each time the subscription payment recurs. |
Schedule | The payment schedule: Days, Weeks, Months, or Years. |
Start | The start date of the subscription. |
Finish | The date that the subscription ended. Note that this date is only available for inactive subscriptions. |
Subscriptions Tab Actions
To access more information about a specific subscription displayed in the table, click any information in the table row to open the Subscription Details page.
Plan Details Tab
The Plan Details tab is located to the right of the Subscriptions tab. Click DETAILS to open the tab in the page. The Plan Details tab contains editable details about the plan, including the following information:
Plan Details Field Names | Description |
Name | The name of the plan. |
Description | An optional description of the plan. |
Transaction Description | An optional description that accompanies any transactions that occur as part of the plan. |
ID | The ID number associated with the plan. |
Created | The date that the plan was created. |
Merchant | The name of the merchant associated with the plan. |
Status Drop Down Menu | The plan status: Active or Inactive. |
Amount | The dollar amount charged each time the subscription payment recurs. |
Schedule | The payment schedule: Days, Weeks, Months, or Years. |
Schedule Factor | The number of times that the subscription is billed. |
Max. Consecutive Failures | The maximum number of attempts made to charge the saved payment method for the subscription if the payment method fails or is declined. If the Max. Consecutive Failures limit is reached, the subscription will be canceled. |
Plan Details Action
To edit information in the Plan Details tab, click the PENCIL icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Enter the information and click the CHECKMARK icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page to save your edits, or discard your changes and return to the previous page by clicking the X icon.
Customize Your Subscriptions Table
You can customize your view using the options found at the top of the table. View the Table Search and Sort Instructions for instructions on customizing, sorting, or searching tables.
Expand the section below to view a complete list of the data that you can display on the Subscriptions Table:
Click here to view Subscriptions table customizations.
Plan Data
Plan ID
Plan status
Plan name
Subscription Data
Entity Data
Entity ID
Login ID
Parameters ID
TIN Status
Merchant Data
Related Pages
Click the links or items in the Recurring Payments page to access any of the following pages: