Recurring Payments (M)

The Recurring Payments page shows information about recurring payments that occur through subscriptions or other repeated scheduled transactions.

Navigate to the Recurring Payments page by clicking Recurring Payments under Payments in the left-hand navigation panel.

Partial view of the Recurring Payments page showing the Recurring Payments Table and Table Customization Options.

Recurring Payments Features

Recurring Payments Table

Locate individual recurring payments in the main table on the Recurring Payments page. Individual recurring payments are listed by row. The default view includes the following information:

Recurring Payments Table Column Name


Recurring Payments Table Column Name



The customer ID.


Active or Inactive. Hover over the icon to view details about the status.


The total dollar amount of the recurring payment.


How often the recurring payment occurs.


The date that the first payment was made.


The date of the last scheduled payment.

Arrow Icon

When selected, the grey triangle expands the row to display additional information about the recurring payment.

Recurring Payments Table Action

Access more information about a specific recurring payment by clicking any information for an individual payment in the table to open the Subscription Details page.

Recurring Payments Table Customization Options

You can customize your view using the options found at the top of the table. View the Table Search and Sort Instructions for instructions on customizing, sorting, or searching tables.

Expand the section below to view a complete list of the data that you can display on the Recurring Payments table:

  • Plan Data

    • Amount

    • Schedule

    • Plan ID

    • Description

    • Plan status

    • Plan name

    • Schedule

    • Factor

  • Subscription Data

    • Start

    • Finish

    • Subscription ID

    • Date Created

    • Created by

    • Date Modified

    • Modified By

    • Descriptor

    • Max. Consecutive Failures

    • Consecutive Failures

    • Inactive Tax

  • Entity Data

    • Merchant Entity ID

    • Login ID

    • Parameters ID

    • Type

    • Address

    • City

    • State

    • Zip

    • Country

    • Phone

    • Fax

    • Email

    • Website

    • EIN

    • Currency

    • Status

    • Custom TIN Status

  • Merchant Data

    • Merchant ID

    • DBA - Statement Descriptor

    • MCC

    • Date Created

    • Created by

    • Date Modified

    • Modified By

    • Date Boarded

    • Last Transaction Date

    • Date Established

    • Annual Card Sales

    • Boarding Status

    • Amex Status

    • Discover Status

    • Status

Related Pages

Click the links or items on the Recurring Payments page to access any of the following pages: