Merchant Risk Prevention

In partnership with Payrix, Partners have a unique opportunity to work closely with a group of experts in Merchant Risk to keep their SaaS Platform safe and secure. Without controls in place a Partner could be in a position to experience reputational and/or regulatory scrutiny and could experience financial loss associated with Fraud or Credit risk.

You can see quick tips to minimize potential merchant risk below or in our one-pager:


Use the following criteria to screen merchants before completion of boarding:


How well does the partner know this merchant?

See examples of easy ways the Partner can review the Merchant’s identity:

  • Video Sales.

  • Validate Phone Numbers by calling.

  • Check Secretary of State website for Business documentation.

  • Request identification documentation (such as driver’s license).

  • Review the company website.

  • Onsite visit.


Does the merchant’s business align with the nature of the partner?

See examples of easy ways the Partner can review the Merchant’s intent:

  • Review the company website.

  • Request merchant’s business plan.

  • Conduct a public records search to determine if the business owner has risky background activities.

Business Model

How does the merchant’s business function?

See examples of easy ways the Partner can review the Merchant’s business model:

  • Review the type of business model does the merchant conduct (i.e., retail, subscription, leasing/renting, service, etc.).

  • Review how the merchant expects to receive payment (Card Present, Card Not Present or ACH).

  • Review how the merchant responds when consumers are dissatisfied.

Financial Stability

Is the merchant able to support the cost of doing business?