Divisions (F)

The Divisions page contains a list of user divisions associated with your account. A division is an additional and optional layer of separation within a partition. This allows you to configure specific data and functionality for a specific collection of merchants. On this page, you can search for specific divisions, add a new division, or access the Division Profile.

Navigate to the Divisions page by clicking Divisions in the left-hand navigation panel.

Partial view of the Divisions page, including the Divisions Table and the Add Division Button.

Divisions Features

Divisions Table

The Divisions table contains a list of all divisions under your account, and includes the following information:

Divisions Table Column Name


Divisions Table Column Name



The division name.


The Payrix-generated login ID number.


The email address associated with the division.


The date that the division was created.

Divisions Table Actions

The Divisions table supports the following actions: add a division, access more information.

To add a new division, click the ADD DIVISION button located in the top right hand corner of the page. The Add New Division section will open in the page. Enter the required information, and click ADD to save the division, or close the section and return to the previous page without saving by clicking the CANCEL button.

To access more information about a specific division, click any information in the division row to open the Division Profile page.

Customize Your Divisions Table

You can customize your view using the options found at the top of the table. View the Table Search and Sort Instructions for instructions on customizing, sorting, or searching tables.

Expand the section below to view a complete list of the data that you can display on the Divisions table:

Division Data

  • Name

  • Login

  • Email

  • Created

  • ID

  • Created by

  • Date Modified

  • Modified By

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