Use Cases: Withdrawals

Welcome to the Withdrawals Use Case Tutorials!

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Payrix Portal user, these tutorials are designed to help you understand and configure recurring or one-time withdrawal flows to create a disbursement of your accumulated funds shown in your available balance in the portal. Explore step-by-step guides with tips and resources tailored to users of the platform.

Note: Know the difference between withdrawal and disbursement.

  • Withdrawal: Sometimes referred to as payout, a withdrawal is the action of requesting the dispersal of money from your Payrix account to your bank account.

  • Disbursement: A disbursement occurs when the funds are transmitted to your bank and deposited in your account.

What you’ll learn:

  • Withdraw your available balance: How to create a withdrawal of your funds to your FBO account

  • Setting up a withdrawal schedule: How to create a recurring schedule for your withdrawals

  • Using withdrawal schedules for Merchants: How to schedule withdrawals for multiple Merchants

Dive into the tutorials below and start your journey toward mastering withdrawals.

Withdrawals Use Cases