Disputes (R)
The Disputes page shows information about chargebacks or other disputes submitted through your merchants. A dispute occurs when a customer questions the validity of a payment and contacts their issuing bank to attempt to force-refund the transaction or request more information.
To access the Disputes page, click DISPUTES under Payments in the left navigation panel.
Disputes Features
Disputes Table Customization
You can customize your view using the options found at the top of the table. View the Table Search and Sort Instructions for customizing, sorting, or searching tables.
Expand the section below to view a complete list of the data that you can display on the Disputes table:
Filter Your Table by Dispute Status
View a single category of a dispute by choosing one of the four buttons at the top left of the table: Needs Response, In Review, Won, or Lost.
The table will repopulate to show only disputes of the category selected.
Related Pages
Click the links or items in the Disputes page to access any of the following pages: