Merchant Boarding Form (R)

The Merchant Boarding Form page allows you to create new merchant accounts. You can add merchant information and navigate between boarding steps to complete the boarding process.

To access the Merchant Boarding Form page, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Navigate to Merchants in the Management category in the left hand navigation panel.

  • Step 2: Click the PLUS icon next to Merchants to open a drop down menu.

  • Step 3: Click ADD MERCHANT in the drop down menu to open the Merchant Boarding Form page.

Partial view of the top of the Merchant Boarding Form page showing the Merchant Boarding Steps Banner.

Merchant Boarding Form Features

Merchant Boarding Steps Banner

Navigate through the boarding process and enter information about the merchant to create a new account. The banner shows the following four steps of the merchant boarding process:

Note: For all sections, an asterisk (*) indicates required information.

Step 1: About the Business

Enter business details about the merchant.

Step 2: About the Owner

Enter details about the primary owner(s), including each person who owns at least a 25% stake of the business. The following items should be noted while completing the About the Owner step:

  • Review the legal disclaimers at the top of the About The Owner step for more details.

  • Enter information for any additional owners by clicking ADD ADDITIONAL OWNER in the lower left hand corner of the page.

Step 3: Account Setup

Enter details related to the merchant account. Note that the Account Setup step allows you to choose to board the new merchant immediately or save the information for future boarding.

Step 4: Add Bank Account

Add merchant bank account information for withdrawals and funding of fees.

Tip: The page will save information entered on each page when you navigate to other steps.

Tip: You can find additional information for some entries by moving your cursor over the information icons.

Navigate, Cancel, or Complete Merchant Boarding

Partial view of the bottom of the Merchant Boarding Form page showing options to go back to the previous step, cancel, or complete the boarding process.

When you are ready to complete the merchant boarding process, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Navigate to the ADD BANK ACCOUNT step in the banner.

  • Step 2: Click ADD NEW MERCHANT at the bottom right hand corner of the page to complete the boarding process, or click CANCEL ADD MERCHANT to cancel the boarding process. Note that if you cancel you will lose any information entered on the boarding page.

Related Pages

Click the links or items in the Merchant Boarding Form to access any of the following pages: