Use Case: Enable Disbursement Event Alerts
You can receive notifications when withdrawals or negative disbursment charges are created or change statuses associated with your account by setting up alerts in the Portal. To receive notifications about disbursement status changes, you can set up email alerts or web alerts (webhooks) for your account. This tutorial will walk you through the steps required to configure an email or web alert for disbursement creation or status change events.
Create a new notification alert that notifies you when an update to a withdrawal or negative disbursment charge event occurs.
Portal (Sandbox)
Portal (Production)
You must have a fully boarded Payrix account to perform any of the actions described in the use case guides.
Tip: By default, all custom email and web alerts are disabled. The Platform provides a set of default email alerts when a Merchant is boarded to cover critical notifications. To learn more about boarding alerts, see the Enable Merchant Boarding Alerts use case.
Additional Resources
For more information, see the Payrix Resource Center Portal Guides for Email Alerts page (Merchant)(Referrer)(Facilitator) and Web Alerts page (Merchant)(Referrer)(Facilitator)
Read Setting up Email Alerts for more details about configuring email alert notifications.
Read Setting up Web Alerts (Webhooks) for more details about the web alert system and setup.
Enable Disbursement Event Alerts
Enable Email Alerts for a Disbursement Event
Enable Web Alerts (Webhook Notifications) for a Disbursement Event
Next Steps
Once the new alert is enabled, review the following use case guides for additional information on related topics:
Enable Invoice Event Alerts: Create an email alert that triggers when an invoice is created or updated by you or one of your users using the Enable Invoice Event Alerts use case.
Enable Chargeback Event Alerts: Create an email or web alert that triggers when a chargeback update, creation, or final decision occurs under your portfolio using the Enable Chargeback Event Alerts use case.
Enable Transaction Event Alerts: Create an email or web alert that triggers when various transaction status changes using the Enable Transaction Event Alerts use case.
Enable Merchant Boarding Event Alerts: Create an email or web alert that triggers when Merchants' boarding status changes using the Enable Merchant Boarding Event Alerts use case.
Enable Change Request Event Alerts: Create an email or web alert that triggers when users in your portfolio update their bank account information manually using the Enable Change Request Event Alerts use case.
Enable Subscription Event Alerts: Create an email or web alert that triggers when a Merchant customer's Subscription changes status using the Enable Subscription Event Alerts use case.
Once the alert is enabled, it automatically sends a notification when a disbursement event occurs.
Click the links or items below to access any of the following pages:
Email Alerts page (Merchant)(Referrer)(Facilitator)
Web Alerts page (Merchant)(Referrer)(Facilitator)