Importing Tokens from Another Processor to Payrix

Importing Tokens refers to the process of moving tokenized credit card data


Follow this guide for the steps necessary to import your Merchants' tokens to mitigate any interruption to their payment processing capabilities.

Token Migration requires coordination with the existing processor and Payrix operational teams.


Here’s what we need from you to import Merchant token data:

  1. A formal request submitted to your existing payment processor to extract and transfer tokens to Payrix

  2. Set up a token data transfer (in .JSON format) with your existing payment processor.

  3. The entity level(s) for each of your existing tokens (user or merchant).

How to Import Your Existing Tokens:


  1. Token Transfer Request:
    A formal request must be submitted to the Merchant’s existing processor to extract and transfer tokens to Payrix.

    Existing processors often request the Payrix PCI Attestation of Compliance (AOC), which can be provided at the time of the request.

  2. Formatting Tokens for Transfer:
    Your existing token information should be submitted to Payrix in .JSON format (right) from your existing payment processor.

  3. Submission of Existing Tokens:
    Submit token and card data to Payrix using our public PGP encryption key (below).

  4. Importing and Mapping Data with Payrix:
    Upon receiving the token data, Payrix processes, imports, and custom maps the token data.

    • Payrix will work with you to determine the access scope of your newly imported tokens (user or merchant).

    • Our Import process maps processor Token IDs to new Payrix Token IDs, customers, and custom fields.

.JSON Token Format Sample:

{ "customers": [{ "cards": [{ "address_city": null, "address_country": null, "address_line1": null, "address_line2": null, "address_state": null, "address_zip": null, "exp_month": 12, "exp_year": 2021, "id": "card_CardTokenIDValue", "name": null, "number": "4111111111111111" }], "default_source": "card_CardTokenIDValue", "description": "", "email": "", "id": "cus_CustomerIDValue", "metadata": {} }] }


You will be notified once the import has been completed, then you can query our API for the existing processor tokens to determine the new equivalent Payrix tokens. Payrix’s token.custom field will contain the existing processor’s token ID, while Payrix’s customer.custom field will contain the existing processor's customer ID.

By request, Payrix can provide a custom mapping file with the existing processor data mapped to the new Payrix values.


Submitting Token Transfers from your Existing Payment Processor

After your existing payment processor has exported your tokens, you’ll need to submit a request to Payrix to import your tokens detailing the merchant you’d like to have access to each token.

To do so, you’ll need to submit the following:

  • merchant name - the name of the merchant the token will be assigned to.

  • login ID - determines who will have access to the tokens (Referrer or Merchant).

  • merchant ID - determines which merchant will be using the tokens.

  • originProcessor - information about where the token came from, the existing payment processor.

  • importLevel - determines the level of import used for your custom mapped data, User or Merchant

  • fileName / fileLink / fileSource - attach, or link the existing token file.


This information is crucial to our import and custom mapping process. Submitting Login IDs and Merchant IDs, for instance, is important to saving time recalling those tokens in the future.

Without this information, as they will need to be specified per each individual transaction, requiring you to do so each time, where as with your Login and Merchant ID, we’re able to attach them at a Merchant or Referrer level in order to keep them associated for future transactions.

Doing so will provide a seamless integration of existing tokens and minimum downtime during the transfer so you can return to using your customer’s existing payment methods, newly imported to Payrix.

Sample Import Email

Please see the sample email attached. We recommend using this email format to submit tokens from your existing processor to Payrix.

Payrix Public PGP Encryption Key:

-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQINBFtWLsQBEAC4fChHoRZWzaRZsbiaGOJuf1uw3WwddiMfuWEJkVhjfr3tdfjX mCfpqiB78iI3soMTYUpby3Ge9L3WgNidyZ9QcnWnP+6JC1q04U8+lte+yjYzOdgw fKWetk9lbjGlXQ/0ORVutV2f8VamrEJRQq0zehyqwCCMFjTfT0jSkmL9uG9cKvtI a/bhbYz201s27NCogDDYxZ+Qj8o2mFm4CM/fvQ+pJPauLu/wtxRsJDrPzIBmgpKD s8lk/aAt4mnUTLB+4iYwvE7YDG9G6g1V7Jj31J7KDImPEnVruIm5aTTVD/3HPExa /U1Vk14gCfgR4/3mMaukhbolu0DqFlmXzuXplIo5CGEHWCL0fVg3KL/ocMtHPzEU Dsk6zH28s7YqYVwnJOX0OogSwWNiTGjR7fCaPtEtPawbQHY5UPKJ+8NShv5abeWf UZfB232ZPprT53wWYU5ELcgicAIvz7bfr5UOonr28KeLB86Cf6jgCHqsR4uqZDVf bhh4GJ5fgJfv7DCJ7OMQSOWDfSzfVLJWz2mhvbMR0oELVzt90OEImhYHZda3So+2 ws3VmS4C8/72m1m5UPn5n592Jh1+eOnq7FiIa2roCMQafEwcpQHnk7qcNptMWfz8 1eormZ53UWj2IC1D9LxNMtHSpG8Cf9USGUWP5yzVpczmqCTPC7tTikI/uwARAQAB tA1wYXlyaXhfc2VjdXJliQJOBBMBCAA4FiEE3nCWHaDvntpm4idFZTx1BjeCUZYF AltWLsQCGwMFCwkIBwIGFQoJCAsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQZTx1BjeCUZY9Bg/+ LWURdlIDQhl2F49RC21n1DDXcNlHEjS3PLul24BTkSaFBHpBd2othnLQ7KpC8HbV F4K0uc5FlcV7qHXYXTkZsNki+IXTSC7dtf80uErlNvNxfzKjCuX+b8hLF9C2oaJk ddIvpRg04YecSRoPUeFP8SnWVTC+wwDczE6hOdpMEL3W4fl/spwm6A6AaB0hjhIS m6zNZl0vlWFlTnNwujVb24DQMr8GifIPCWcXVu+SY4i895JLWSCKNAd7FBXuGNk4 rm8wD8DY+yWh55zwwomYe/EkLgv98I/RG4A0hNK0r0aGFjJin6S74iZ+TT4TOTOc edq9dzG6PTSwvAnwxIwF3ID8BsHHxtwzzdTArNUinM2exgYYpei7ttk/1pw7VIFO dbnVqVdq2lIy9PBLMQxw0XArgesvFXpTjGcu/2+nykIoIcz/sTCU4Q79U0Hex/tJ 4rRu44M0UffnEtPyUl8Sd4fVXzFcHEio+SmjPTvvWvsg9Xs9/1TZaBLn/6y+hU1l kjbCbF8BtPGvFgirGlNkwQxdzkZ9SUp+V7l1vC9DA1oa535gA/nuQHDKoZpPuymz nTPETilFbjw1ZEpndZtnxE4wT4zcnQ5ZUi74/fT7HhBfzOj38i+IoKb3Ltjb2vnI x1B9+K+TTLr5XYWXDOJDBjeOI1ri3C2Psl0zyCchrta5Ag0EW1YuxAEQAM1WL6EW vJyWzGN8iwzW6vGEyZGAVToGicBTOaMHv5g2fCZz/lyb8mxAE9s5cvk+/w0CMjaT IS/mfcYdkISjJZVRdLWP/bXv+MgIL4sVTPiNNT4RSWedPDfiUQ2Fks+QWV3NgvND V8ojMSg17wxO2JXNX489GElcsJ20XUNlzrgfimtyPcNhvOBg21BJ68xwfPT7aoF5 ZHQrT2lzT8M55y0XcHgyih3SiasWTZ+EMZKbmb35MnLcgaMvn3ayfvhKrbladghH 2DpvyRFZPVgF26Z/cKeuns7adGbrzjOFszuFAyVVbzyYn5v34wASjD7F+qm5ykSO SE2L0EPAtztIrdgGWskeLcFbG0nKHXz96oj5xlYcuMXs0vrtM7SBKPB9v/qegY2d X1+JXB5vJTcOB3zOOeb3CtoH958W1yImvfQKx/MsnO6h2YFXk9NMJT5OV5DjmWdF yrlohTCsBbAk0xevgCMZa3mSC7E+fo0sp2BpJ0Hp+U55wYtpzDN1NJR0qdWZWa/n vA07kGBCFRA7UkC5rvj27LtyUSib8wkh9XSkxJLELjwbgCzG1eH3OIrGtsGXgbtn 4K/4Bh23se7XVjqEFnkN6DUFyhgioeftJ1Wx+TphfjVznUCMaSkDjeAa7AIQ3Fgz WQ3wJgk7Qz7BMtyO2dqBi0YheHVum6t+4FAfABEBAAGJAjYEGAEIACAWIQTecJYd oO+e2mbiJ0VlPHUGN4JRlgUCW1YuxAIbDAAKCRBlPHUGN4JRlitzEACK+JGMWaZ3 1w9Aq3x+pWDztnQn8WZnAFiNzNdL8zTZCOT3Ty1Bl5INisz1SDZGnyPRJSjmZRWp CLHZrkTRhUpxq/2sapcMTT6DnC9X5JcPnomGudBhhOsA0KH7BhgY0G8PTIz91Nbq Ystt97qb3heobl+x+TyLFiLyHyVfW4QR5cc/SNE+H2y43VFnWhhqlRIUGW0JpUbg blEmOAOTK8OyjDwM/BwgISAl96ucaDWIhMhFIFnxdnNM3fZ2jjfLKeMGDQzofzhp iPdV01TfPQ2QVEkrOKZQi1FVSyQrlAZyvoMRdYXe/NZFv1bi8poJ5gO8ceq93CbZ +fmoaflifZjHs8LqT45MIgn3Lm4+MoIdVuPYiM8qvMr0ZmHp7XkMt8Rm8OjXPlvT YIMM9dzycff0sjJ7Fwv0L9icGO+3T3plFrOkaHIw2JPoJhhknlfcD5m2meFg9ARd jdRMnRrBgDEkgnKZ9f3/fYsFJU7EGOkh858oLwUWoVFDML11fH4oUXeAmbE0TJnK CNgbcsk1Jc8fTgcLMzSRd4gz5moJ0QnmW8U241PfxW0X/2cmMXuaHefCdHkrs7k5 5ISnY9T/u4PUh93evaarUiw8CdHyO2uGJgEMKP8B4wThV/gGdhi7uKEBGi6+RZHk tx/bUvZN0mR+RQkpkyiGmAAB82wUPpQFEg== =Y0mE -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----