Signup Form Settings (F)

The Signup Forms page contains a customizable template signup form that your merchants and other users will see when they signup under your account. On this page, you can adjust the look of the form, add or change fee structures, and add other information.

Navigate to the Signup Forms page by clicking Settings in the left hand navigation panel, and then clicking Signup Forms in the Business Settings section.

Partial View of the Signup Forms page, including the Signup Form Settings Section.

Signup Forms Features

Signup Form Settings

The Signup Form Settings section contains editable details that will appear in your signup form, including the following information:

Signup Form Settings Field Name


Signup Form Settings Field Name


Background Color

The hex color code background color that will appear in your signup form.

Subheaders Color

The hex color code color that will appear in the subheaders in your signup form.

Error Text Color

The hex color code color that will appear in any error text in your signup form.

Public reCAPTCHA Key

Publicly available keys for reCAPTCHA. reCAPTCHA is a security setting that stops bots and other automated attacks while approving valid users, to help prevent fraudulent logins.

Secret reCAPTCHA Key

The reCAPTCHA key for communication between your application backend and the reCAPTCHA server, necessary for user response verification.


An API Key associated with user login. For more information, visit the API Keys page.

Merchant Terms

The Terms and Conditions version that merchants agree to during login.

Referrer Terms

The Terms and Conditions version that referrers agree to during login.

Default Merchant Form Header

The merchant login header.

Default Referrer Form Header

The referrer login header.

Merchant Subtitle

The subtitle visible after the merchant login header.

Referrer Subtitle

The subtitle visible after the referrer login header.

Password Complexity Message

The message that is visible when users create or change their password. The default setting is as follows:

At least one uppercase
At least one lowercase
Atleast one number
Eight characters long

PO Box Acceptance Mssage

Indicates whether PO Boxes are accepted when a new user creates an account and adds their address. The default setting is as follows: PO Box NOT ACCEPTED. Must be a street address.

To edit information in the Signup Form Settings section, click the PENCIL icon in the top right hand corner of the page. Edit information in the lightbox, and then click CHECKMARK icon to save your changes, or click the X icon to discard changes.

Default Fees for Merchants Form

The Default Fees for Merchants form displays a customizable fee schedule for merchants, including the following information

Default Fees for Merchants Form Field Name


Default Fees for Merchants Form Field Name



The name of the merchant fee.


The fee schedule. Choose from the following schedule types:

  • Days

  • Weeks

  • Months

  • Years

  • Single Auth

  • Reverse Auth

  • Capture

  • Refund

  • eCheck Sale

  • eCheck Refund

  • eCheck Return

  • Board Payout Chargeback

  • Retrieval

  • Arbitration

  • Overdraft

  • Interchange Processor

  • Achfail

  • Account

  • Settlement Account

  • Updater Update Account

  • Updater Group Update

  • Account Updater Request

  • Account Updater Group Request

  • Realtime Business Search

  • Realtime Member Search

  • MasterCard Match

  • Business Instant ID

  • Consumer Instance ID

  • Threat Metrix

  • Legit Script

  • Equifax Consumer Report

  • CharityCheck

  • Internal Decision V2

  • TIN Check

  • GIACT Echeck Verification

  • GIACT Account Verification


The type of fee. Choose from Actual or Surcharge.


The fee amount.

Default Fees for Merchants Form Actions

The Default Fees for Merchants form supports the following actions: add, edit, remove.

To add a new Merchant Fee, click the PLUS icon in the right hand side of the form to add a row to below the existing fees. Enter the required information and click the CHECKMARK icon in the top right hand corner of the form to add the new fee, or discard your changes and return to the previous screen without saving by clicking the X icon.

To edit information in the Default Fees for Merchants section, click on any information in the fee row and edit the information. Click the CHECKMARK icon in the top right hand corner of the form to save your changes, or click the X icon to discard changes.

To remove a fee from the form, click the TRASHCAN icon in the right hand side of the fee row. The fee will be automatically deleted.

Default Fees for Referrers Form

The Default Fees for Referrers form displays a customizable fee schedule for referrers, including the following information

Default Fees for Referrers Form Field Name


Default Fees for Referrers Form Field Name



The name of the referrer fee.


The fee schedule. Choose from the following schedule types:

  • Days

  • Weeks

  • Months

  • Years

  • Single Auth

  • Reverse Auth

  • Capture

  • Refund

  • eCheck Sale

  • eCheck Refund

  • eCheck Return

  • Board Payout Chargeback

  • Retrieval

  • Arbitration

  • Overdraft

  • Interchange Processor

  • Achfail

  • Account

  • Settlement Account

  • Updater Update Account

  • Updater Group Update

  • Account Updater Request

  • Account Updater Group Request

  • Realtime Business Search

  • Realtime Member Search

  • MasterCard Match

  • Business Instant ID

  • Consumer Instance ID

  • Threat Metrix

  • Legit Script

  • Equifax Consumer Report

  • CharityCheck

  • Internal Decision V2

  • TIN Check

  • GIACT Echeck Verification

  • GIACT Account Verification


The type of fee. Choose from Percentage, Actual, or Surcharge.


The fee amount.

Take from Referrer Checkbox

Check the box if the fee is charged directly to the referrer.

Default Fees for Referrers Form Actions

The Default Fees for Referrers form supports the following actions: add, edit, remove.

To add a new Referrers Fee, click the PLUS icon in the right hand side of the form to add a row to below the existing fees. Enter the required information and click the CHECKMARK icon in the top right hand corner of the form to add the new fee, or discard your changes and return to the previous screen without saving by clicking the X icon.

To edit information in the Default Fees for Referrers section, click on any information in the fee row and edit the information. Click the CHECKMARK icon in the top right hand corner of the form to save your changes, or click the X icon to discard changes.

To remove a fee from the form, click the TRASHCAN icon in the right hand side of the fee row. The fee will be automatically deleted.

Default MCCs

The Default MCCs section displays a list of default Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) associated with your account. To add a new MCC, click the ADD MCCs button in the top right hand corner of the section. Select the category code and click SAVE save your changes, or click CANCEL to discard changes. To remove a saved MCC, click the X icon in the right hand side of the MCC row.

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