Versions (F)

The Versions page contains a history of all versions of a specific Terms and Conditions document saved to your account, and allows you to add new versions of the document to the portal or change which version is active.

Navigate to the Versions page by following the steps below:

  • Step 1: Click Settings in the left hand navigation panel.

  • Step 2: Click Terms and Conditions in the Business Settings section.

  • Step 3: Click any information in a T&C table row to open the Versions page for that T&C.

Partial view of the Versions page, including the Versions History Table and the Add New Version Button.

Versions Features

Versions History Table

The Versions History table contains all of the previously saved versions of the T&C document, including the following information:

Versions History Table Column Name


Versions History Table Column Name



The document version ID number.


The content of the document.


Indicates whether this document is the active version of the T&C.

Versions History Table Actions

The Versions History table supports the following actions: add a new version, view a version’s contents, or choose an active version.

To add a new version, click the NEW button in the top right hand corner of the page to open the New Version lightbox. Enter the new version and click CREATE to save, or discard your changes and return to the previous screen without saving by clicking the CANCEL button.

To view the contents of a T&C version, click the THREE DOTS icon in the right hand side of the table to open the Versions lightbox. Click GO TO TERMS to open the document.

To change which T&C version is active, click the THREE DOTS icon in the right hand side of the table to open the Versions lightbox. Click ACTIVE to make the selected document the active version.

Related Pages:

Click the links below to access any of the following pages: